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Show Atxilt i and takes two to 100 Hf WWM make a BARGAINj II j u I )( . iTuLniJ J Li PUMPKIN, Libby's, 2V2 can, 2 for . . . . 3c SEGO MILK, tall cans, 4 for 5JC CHINESE DINNERS, LaChoy, beef . . 73c Meatless 55c PRESERVES, IG A Strawberry, 1 0 oz. 2 4c IGA SALAD DRESSING, qts 43c DRY ONIONS, 4 lb 9c RUSSET POTATOES, io lb 39c APPLES, Jonathan or Delicious, V bu. $89 CAUUFLOUR, 'b 5c CELERY, Utah Pascoe, 'b ..c Come in and Check Our VTvl A 1 vY ay l Every Day Low Prices Y ( I A GETTING MARRIED? We can print your wedding announcements promptly guarantee satisfaction PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW ARCHITECTURAL and MECHANICAL ENGINEERING L. G. DAVISON 79 South Main Phone 3311 PI. Grove For Your PRINTING NEEDS Try Our Service. PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW ijil!U IIWWHJU1H..IWI .WipiW'.U'J'WMslH.iJ1 V':WWmi-'j4.'JI 'I WHTWITwwW WW gTff ORIGINAL MmrnmSmM For 6 big days just one penny more boys twice as much regular guaranteed merchandise. You will save for months ahead on hundreds of items you need and want. Bargains in every department! SMITH DRUG CO. 10 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 3451 HOL'N ONE DONUTS PARTY T!ME OR ANYTIME Rates for Ward or Stake Parties POLAR KING 125 SOUTH STATE ROAD PLEASANT GROVE Pleasant Grove Real Estate INDEPENDENT Cooperate 5050 All Brokers New 3-Bedroom Full basement, close in, oiled street and sewer, Gas forced air furnace. Cement walks & driveways $15,000. Older Home With new hardwood floors and kitchen cabinets, gas heat and water heating. 3 acres, 3 shares water, close to church and school, $10,500, reasonable reason-able terms. For $2,000 Down and $75 per month you can have a cozy home located in the most desired view in the Valley. Drapes, rugs, lawns, swings, fenced for children, driveway, garage. Some New Homes Brick 2 Bedroom, full basement One Two 3cre Lot Two shares water, frontage on hi-way, Modern Bungalow type home, full basement with carpeted car-peted bedroom. Now $15,750. You must see to appreciate. Building Lots in any part of the City, $700 and up.. Insurance and Loans C. A. RASMUSSEN Broker 79 South Main Phone 331 1 ATWOOD REALTY & INSURANCE CO. Extra Nice Two-Bedroom Brick Attached Garage, located on a beautiful wiew 23 acre lotij in Manila. Aluminum Awnings, air cooled, oiled street, corner lot. Finest Lots We have the finest lots in the best locations in North Utah County! Two-Bedroom Home Excellent location, has an apartment that will pay for the home. Check this for an investment. Clever 3-Level Home In Lindon, large living room( kitchen, utility, 2 bedrooms, 1 34 baths, car port, Lot is 75 x 1 50. DEAN ATWOOD, Provo FR 3-1527 GRANT ATWOOD, Pleasant Grove 4674 During Office hours call 2591 385 S. Main Street Phone 2591 Pleasant Grove MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING how an extra phone zX 1 j irons out one ot lite's Pressin9 problems Isfllisf ' '5:" iy:!s!k Today's housewife loves convenience . . . that's why she loves ' 't. : . ' y Jt: 1 extra telephones. Where she irons, reads, cooks or sleeps, . her phone helps make each day a little shorter, a little " 'S5p::W easier. And at very little cost. Wouldn't an extra phone till W:-SSM n help your busy day? E-Pil mtimt: r P A tm, K 'si;i' -j ; ;' ! j '!"::;..':. 5 v VW4 SSU . Enjoy the privacy and convenience of additional :;i:f , : f ;ii : ! . Vi- s Vs ; ' phones, c! a cost of orly 3 or i(. a day, each. The in- : I m iMi-'0mttilH stallation charge is small, regardless of location. Tele- i ft ; : 1. : phones in color are available for a nominal one-time i V ifij ! 4 i. ': . aS-- A-Tt!' iHti'M!" ' P extra charge. Just call our business office. |