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Show Birthday Party Given For Young Lady Complimenting Bonnie Bullock on her eighth birthday,, her mother, moth-er, Mrs. Orval Bullock, entertained entertain-ed a jolly group of little ladies one day this week dn the garden of the Bullock home. Birthday wishes were extended and lovely gifts presented to Bonnie. Bon-nie. Games and frolic were (the early part of the party. Barbecued hamburgers, grilled at the outside fireplace, potato chips, birthday cake and ice cream and soft drinks, made for a tasty birthday supper paity. Young ladies present were Joyce Frampton, Vickie Powell, Truma Lee Linebaugh, Leslie and Terry Ingersoll, Marilyn Blackhurst, Lynne Cutler, Christie Warburton, Deneal Lloyd, Pearl Ann Gourley, Beth Sykes, Lora Lee Shields, Phyllis Powell, Anna Beth and Shirley Oscarson, Jolayne Bezzant, Linda Parduhn, Peggy Mecham, Janice and Paul Schoonover, and Jeannie Osoarson |