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Show Retail Sales School Slated for Provo On October 8-11 A sales school sponsored by the Employment Security Office and the Provo Retail Merchants' Council wall be conducted in October, Octo-ber, similar to the one conducted a year ago. The school will be given in four parts of two hours each, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on October 8, 9, 10, and 11, at the Provo Utlities Department De-partment auditorium, 251 W. 8th N Provo. There will be no charge and no material to purchase. Interesting subjects will be taught toy prominent Provo businessmen. busi-nessmen. Some of the topics will be: buying motives, procedures in handling sales, operating cash registers, reg-isters, stocking merchandise, handling hand-ling complaints, wrapping packages, pack-ages, pleasing customers, appearance, appear-ance, sales attitudes, and similar selling helps. Persons interested in attending this school can obtain more information infor-mation by contaoting the Employment Employ-ment Security Office at 295 W. 1st N. in Provo. Advance registrations are now being accepted. The school is designed primarily to make inexperienced and partially par-tially experienced sales people more desirable employees for the retail merchants to hire by giving them sales training. The retail merchants are encouraged encour-aged to cooperate in this project by encouraging people who contact them seeking work to register at the Employment Office and attend at-tend these classes. When the school is finished, the Employment Office will test, screen and refer these people to the retail stores as the requests are received from the retail merchants. |