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Show FOR SALE 1 Male YYVimuruner Hunting: Dog-, 5 months old, inquire in-quire 102 North 2nd West, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, Phone 3571. (11-7) FOR SALE Boys Bicycle, good condition, Phone 5363, P.G. 11-7 FOR RENT Newly decorated 3-room 3-room Apartment, furnished, 164 West Center, call at 60 West Center, Cen-ter, Phone 2831. 11-7 FOR SALE Used Kirby Vacuum Cleaner, complete, best offer, Phone P.G. 2184. 11-7 FOR SALE Mattress, full size, like new, $15. Phone 8661. It FOR SALE English Racer Bicycle, Bi-cycle, almost new, Phone 4212 or see at 90 Maple Lane. It MODERN 2-Bedroom Brick Rambler Ram-bler for sale, Hillside location, overlooking; Utah Valley, 1 acre of land, lots of extras, Ph. P.G. 3272 (11-7) APARTMENT FOR RENT Call at 90 East Center, Phone 1151 It WORLD BOOK Encyclopedia for home and school. Study world problems, Science, Biographys, Scouting, "Look it up" in the World Book. Call Ben Homer, 8541, No obligation 11-14 MOTOR MAIDS n ' -L& a Police Issue Rules For Child Protection By Jeanne Stnith, Dodge Safety Consultant " WITH NEARLY 40 MILLION American youngsters returning to schools this Fall, a nationwide "back to school" safety drive has been launched by alert police and school officials. Their con- r I : ; cern is not ' - person, or let him touch you. only with traf- ' , ' 5 3- Never accompany Strang- , j ' ers who ask for directions, as- fie and pedes- J sistan,e or who offM a j(jb tnan hazards . v wm, ,,ay. but also with " 4. Go" directly home from the problem of . 1 J scnool. Never play in alleys, strangers and 1 deserted buildings or around molesters who . . .J public washrooms, lurk around F 5. Take a pal along when you schools, play- , . - W" ! K to playgrounds, movies, grounds or --" stores, etc other areas Miss Smith 6. If a stranger should ap- where children assemble. proach you, try to remember his To protect your child from pos- description. Obtain the license sible harm, here are some sugges- number and color of the car, if tions offered by police officials, an automobile is involved. rite Constantly remind your children this information down with a of these rules and urge them to pencil or scratch it with a siic'; report any incidents to the first in the road or on the siilewa responsible person they meet a with a stone. Report it immedi- police officer, safety patrol boy, ately. teacher, mailman, bus driver, etc.: These facts will help your leal 1. Never accept rides from police department to apprehend strangers. such persons and to safer" ' ; 2. Don't take moroy, cardy your eommvni'y from per or tveals from any ur1"- 'i.ir vnw''r. NEED PRINTING? PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW WATCH AND JEWELRY Repair, Guaranteed Service, You pay just as much for inferior work as you do for the best. Leave your work with us and get the best. Our Service Ser-vice man has had 20 years experience, exper-ience, why go elsewhere? Shields Sport & Gift Shop, 14 So. Main, Phone 8331, PI. Grove. 10-31-tf BIKES We have several customers custom-ers wanting rebuilt used bikes. Do you have an old bike you could sell or trade in? Come in and see us or call us. Phone 8331. Shields Sport and Gift Shop, 14 So. Main, Pleasant Grove. 10-31-tf FOR SALE Conn E Flat Saxophone, Saxo-phone, good condition, ph. 3373. It FOR RENT 5-Room House in downtown Pleasant Grove, unfurnished, un-furnished, Call FR 3-3838 or FR 3-2228, 3-2228, Provo. 11-7 MODERN 4-Room Apartment, furnished fur-nished or partly furnished, reasonable, reas-onable, Phone 2581 or call at 323 East 1st South before 5 p.m. It RESPONSIBLE PERSON Male or female, from this area, wanted want-ed to service and collect from automatic au-tomatic vending machines. No selling. sell-ing. Age -hot essential. Car, references ref-erences and $700.00 working capital cap-ital necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly week-ly nets to $250.00 monthly. Possibility Pos-sibility full time work. For local interview give full particulars, phone. Write P.O. Box 672, Minneapolis, Min-neapolis, Minn. It COAL-Lump Slack, $11.76 ton. Reduced rates on tonnage. Lee Dickey, 480 N. 1st E. Ph. 4861. (9-19-tf) FIRE and AUTO INSURANCE Check with us for special broad coverages and low rates with no membership fees. Jess Monson, Monson & Johnson, Insurance, Tel 5591 P.G. or FR 3-8820, Provo (10-3-tf) PIANOS Why Pay More Factory Fac-tory to You Spinets & Grands. Lester R. Taylor, Provo, FR 3-3125 or at 109 N. 4th West. 9-26-tf WE BUY, SELL, TRADE or Transfer Livestock. Also Bui Service. Peg Taylor, Phone 2022 Pleasant Grove. (8-29) HATCH JEWELRY 33 W. Main American Fork. Full time watch maker. Guaranteed repairs, Regular Regul-ar Watch cleaned, $5.00; Your Bul-ova, Bul-ova, Hamilton and Wyler dealer. Diamonds priced right. Gift headquarters. head-quarters. Jewel House member. 8-22-4tf SEPTIC TANK CLEANING Don't take chances, call a licensed licen-sed cleaner. A-l Septic Tank Co., Phone AC 5-2801 or FR 3-4295. WHY GO TO Salt Lake or Provo 17 Jewel Men's or Ladies Watches, Watch-es, $19.95 Other watches from $6.95. Try us first and see. HATCH Jewelry, AF, next to Post Office. (10-17-tf) GROVE THEATRE CLEANINGEST cai-pet cleaner you ever used, so easy too. Get Blue Lustre. Ben Franklin Store. APARTMENT Wayne Holman, Phone 4531 P.G. tf HUNTERS I will buy. your Deer Skin. Phone 5121, P.G. 158 East, 2nd North. 11-7 FOR SALE Good Spark Oil Heater, Heat-er, Phone 5627, P.G. (10-31) LARGE BUILDING LOT unob-structed unob-structed view of valley, ideal for two-level home. ,See W. C. Haynie, 115 So. 13th East. , (10-31) FALL PLOWING Quality Work manship. Small lots and large acreage. CaU P.G. 5346. (10-3-tf CONCRETE PIPE: Culvert, Irrigation, Irri-gation, Sewer and Headgates. Geneva Concrete Pipe Co., 1465 W. 4th N. Orem. Ph. AC 5-2416. (10-3-tf) QUALITY ROOF PAINTING, before be-fore cold weather; guaranteed workmanship. Call P.G. 5364. (10-3-tf) OALL US for Factoiy Trained Service on Frigidaire Washers, Driers, Ranges & Refrigerators. LEANY's, Phone 4W, 86 West Main, Lehi. tf WE WON'T BE UNDERSOLD Frigidaire Washers, Driers, Ranges, Ran-ges, and Refrigerator's. LEANY's, Phone 4W, 86 West Main, Lehi. tf RED POTATOES, $2.00 a 100; Bob James, 305 N. 6th W. Ph. 2221 (11-7) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday n H- y ' J4"Ai Jrlf' - ,.s HOWARD HUGHES' fJfET PiLOT JOHN WVYNEj JANET LEIGH u. s. aiFforce iyf JAYC. fi K'EN PAUL FIX HAMS C0NRIEO .,' Thursday, Friday and Saturday Oct. 31, Nov. 1 and 2 P - STAIRINO CRIME STEVENS ALIX TAtTOH WIUIAM HOPPER A UNIVERSAL 1NIRNAII0NAL PICTURE and 'fl'Vi'P 11AJ..INC. XMKi ; 'J, Y; it BUSKER -b " GABOR -mn STOHF A UNIVERSAL INIERM'IONAI PICTURE ''j-,!,.-;..'.!!),-;- iiri.'iiil'l.tiifcffcr'ilfii rffc" i)i-'-'--''&-'' -fiilMi.HIMIn r.ifim Vrf .h 'in"! K-' iHi, i ifiiiTm tii. Will-It i n i liMtmrnkmia. i i rfiiV M n ifiiianl rn" tmm r l g I FRIDAY, SATURDAY II Head right this way to CHIPMAN'S and get Sensational Savings! I YOUR BONUS YOUR BONUS YOUR BONUS f; any $4.95 any any $5.95 I SPORT SHIRT DRESS BELT CATALINA SWEATER j for 10c for 10c for 1 Qc f .. with purchase of any with purchase of any with purchase of any ! : p SPORT COAT MENS DRESS SLACKS WOMEN'S SUIT ; PRICED PRICED PRICED " $2495 to $35 9 95 to H995 $2995 to $4995 y fi 1 n , . , YOUR BONUS " for the first time ever! any $10.95 i 0 DRESS 1 fi kJ CltilJl JILvO?JLj3.JL with purchase of any 1 ri o tm m p n women's suit U t tmmnm fo ISifCu 'R,CEDI fi liiilii mmm iilli $55 w 1 i ,rt , special bonus b rt!cT, f i Out-Travels all others! ... t t - I i 4l with any h ; f v, y"'" " i -4ll Exclusive "Travel-Tested" fPfc V f'l m finish defies scuffs, BEDROOM SUITE fr cleans with damp cloth ! Bedspread .... 24.50 v N I ij 4 I I Available in Hawaiian blub, 2 Vanity Lamps 15.00 : .i f'j Mft-riSBIISlBII tolf RAWHIDE FINISH, SADDLE TAN, 2P'lllOWS 7.00 j l'' tl SWMMm;:imi. BERMUDA GREEN, ADMIRAL BLUB, X-i I l.l,,. A L. Cf " pit imsS-msms - t J ' P 1 --l!N for only 10c ;. . f k$P "f Ji !L -S-l Over 1 5 Beautiful Suites to i h yfe -,.k r ra.?AT h j BMilA $14950 :! l0mit SPECIAL BONUS ! M Choose Your , : . i ! 1 J . CHRISTMAS ! rl flHISIBHBj. fefe rockers : : ' s i ' ' Now from our I ?-v ; - New Shipment ; ' p t iust Received 50 Beautiful j I I ..:ii:,,jL st" Rockers Swivels, Tiltbocks, sJ WfCS wm Any Rockers Streamlitc Train Case... regularly $17.50 1 0d U j with 27 x 54 i. : VU j plus tax SAMPLE RUGS VALUES TO $17.95 V, SHOP TOR CHRISTMAS - LAY A WAY & SAVE only QC extra . i'i DDDDD0DD1 Health Proportioned v$A MILKS IP D0000SK Late Halloween Show Thursday and Friday Come ct 10, See Both Features "Deadly Mantis' Starts at 11 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE SATURDAY 3 p.m. All Cartoon - Comedy Festival All Seats 25c Monday and Tuesday November 4 and 5 -yfWMONTIEL I1 ifjKr KEITH (i 3 yfJSR MEEKER l'vl IM ri T C FlIPPtN CHARLES BR0NS0N . OLIVE Mtt V WWPt WVUSUmTtUII0IIM tuast For your PRINTING NEEDS PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW |