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Show Pleasant Grove Locals ...... Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Haves were among the .leadership Week visitors at Provo on Thursday. S. A. Kirk and his debating team was at the Provo Library, Thursday afternoon selecting material to use j for competitive debating this year. J Miss Rose Gillnum, wuo is employed employ-ed in Salt Lake, spent the past week i iaiting with relatives here. 11. W. Jacobs left last Saturday tor Chicago to attend the National Can-nets Can-nets Convention. Rondy B. Thorne of Magna spent the week-end with relatives and friends in this city. -'' Mr and Mrs. Hugh Yancey of Portland, Port-land, Oregon, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Odis Yancey. Mrs. :,..; Una Walker l-U Sun. lay for California, where she will visit with relatives tor several weeks. The students of the P. G. T. S. enjoyed en-joyed a matinee dance Wednesday " y,lace of their regular chapel program. pro-gram. Mrs. Martha T. Keetch and daughter, daugh-ter, Utah and Misa Bernice Gillman I spent Thursday visiting with Provo relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo llooley left Saturday by stage for California. They expect to remain until warm weather. The Primary officers and teachers o,f the Manila ward held an officers meeting at the home of Miss Lillian Ellis Friday afternoon. Clyde Gillman, Irvin Hooley and A. G. Keetch were in Salt Lake Wednesday Wednes-day on a business trip concerning the Orem-Lindon Dairy Association. Chris Fugal and Mr. Anderson, School Board members and Supt. David Gourley spent Tuesday visiting the different departments of the senior and junior high schools. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Warnick are proud parents of twin boys born Monday Mon-day evening. The grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Warnick are the happy grandparents of the twins. Mi s. Km ma II. Harper visited Monday Mon-day with her sister, Mrs. Arnold Ciegg, at Provo. Laura Walker is taking normal train.'!!;; in the Limlon school during the past week. Benjamin F. Ellsworth of Salt Lake was the guest of his sister, Mrs. James D. Thorne, Monday. The Misses Ieda Thompson and Hazel Nuttal were the guests of Miss Eve Forbes at Lehi Monday evening. Dorothy Jense spent the past week with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jense, at Provo. Mrs. Libbie Fulmer of Maplcton, and Mrs. William Johnson of Spanish Fork, called on Mrs. Alvin Nielson Monday. Miss Erma Keetch, who is employed employ-ed at the Murray Hospital, is home visiting with relatives for an indefinite inde-finite time. Miss Aileen- Noble, nurse at the Iron County Hospital at Cedar City, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noble, the end of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nielson and son, Dean and Mrs. H. W. Clark attended the .funeral of Mrs. Nielson's sister, Mrs. Niels Nelson, at American Fork Monday. George Little of the Oquirrah Stake and MLss Fanny Nielson of Magna, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arza Adams every evening this week. They have spent the day time attending Leadership week in Provo. The Misses Thelma and Rose Gin- Trie Ladies Glee Club will hold a social Saturday night at the Baxter home In honor of Leah' Baxter, a bride of last Saturday, January 25. Mrs. Amasa Meeham entertained at a. shower Wednesday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Meryn. who was married to Percy Adams of American Fork last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford J. Ellsworth and two children of Payson, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Thorne on Tuesday. Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wright of American Fork entertained at a shower In honor of their son, William, and Leah Baxter of this city, who were married last Saturday, January 25. The Timpanogos Stake board of the Relief Society held their regular monthly meeting this week at the home of Mrs. .Lavina Fugal. After the business meeting a social hour and refreshments were enjoyed. Miss Josie Fage, who some time ago suffered a broken shoulder blade, through an accident in Provo canyon, had the misfortune to suffer another fracture in the same shoulder this week, when the door of the car, in which she was riding was thrown open. C. J. Cobbley and Herman Green attended a Beet Growers meeting at Riverton Thursday night. Much in-terest in-terest is being manifested in these meetings among all farmers. A meeting1 meet-ing1 for Pleasant Grove farmers will be held February 18th. The Social Service meeting of the three Pleasant Grove Relief Societies was held in the tabernacle Tuesday afternoon. The lesson was given by Mrs. Mary Cooper. A reading was given by Miss Leah Fugal and a solo by Mrs. Glen Wadley. man, Mariam Kirk, Erma Keetch and Ruby Harper enjoyed a coasting party on the Keetch Hill Thursday evening. They enjoyed a hot lunch at the J. C. Gillman home after the winter snow sport. The Seventies Quorum entertained at a social Monday evening at the Manila ward Amusement Hall in honor of C. L. Johnson, who will leave in February for a mission to California. Cali-fornia. The evening was spent in social games and dancing, after which refreshments were served. The Buey Circle Club was entertained enter-tained Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Milton Jacobs. The afternoon was spent in sewing and social chat. Refreshments! were served. Ray Gammon, son of Harry Gammon, Gam-mon, of Vineyard, was shaking hands with old friends In Pleasant Grove Thursday bidding them goodbye. He left Salt Lake Thursday evening for a mission to the Tongan Islands. Mrs. Rose Bezzant was hostess to the Young Mother's Club members Thursday afternoon. The invited guests were: Mrs. Dean Poulson. Mrs. Lacy White, Mrs. B. H. Adams and Miss Lucette Poulson. Miss Estelle Fenton gave a review of the book "Candida." by Vol Ter. The Second ward Relief Society Sunshine Committee held a social Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Mary Olson, who has been kept at home the past winter with a broken leg. The afternoon was spent in a program, social chat and refreshments. refresh-ments. Photo JStudio at Pleasant Grove open afternoons only. Samples of your town people nn disnlav. Peonle wishinsr Roy Oscarson, who has been doing missionary work for the past two years in SVeden, was honorably released re-leased from his mission work on the January 27th. He will visit Germany, Switzerland and Belgium: while en-route en-route home, and will also visit in London, England, with Ralph Olpin of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parduhn entertained en-tertained the following at their home Thursday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. George Ball. The evening was spent in playing 500, after which luncheon was served at the small tables. Prizes were won j by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey. t Hie Sophmore girls of the Domestic Science Department gave a luncheon Wednesday evening to their class and the lady members of the high school i faculty. The table decorations and j " individual favors were motifs of I Valentine Day. One half of the class i did the serving of the meal and the I other half were among the guests. work please come at once as our stay is limited. Located east side of Main Street. Call and see us. Prices reasonable. reason-able. H. E. Lewis, photographer. photo-grapher. 2-1-lt j K. J. Bird, instructor of music m j the American Fork Hig- School, and j his wi,fe, Earl A. Beck, director of music in the P. G. H. S.. and his wife, i all attended the funeral of Eugene ! Fox, director of music In the Spring- 1 ville High School at Spanish Fork Friday. Miss Arvilla Clark, Miss Jewel Linebaugh and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. j Beck went to Spanish 'Fork Thursday j evening to see the music department 1 of thfi hieh school present the opera Mrs. Annie Adams and Mrs. Dora Ball entertained at a shower Thursday Thurs-day afternoon in honor of Ruby Rawls who was recently married to Charles Southwick of Lehi. Fifteen guests were present. The afternoon was spent in games and social hat, followed fol-lowed by dainty refreshments. The bride received many beautiful gifts. ' j "Rosamunde." The isame opera is ! being prepared at the local high i school for presentation the last part j of February. Mrs. Hazel Walton of Salt Lake, I J Mrs. Delilah Strong of Alpine, J. F. j . Thorne of Salt Lake, and Mr. and 1 1 Mrs. William Thorne of American ! . Fork have been in Pleasant Grove the past week to be near the bed side 1 j of their father, David Thorne who passed away early Monday porning. j Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hanson of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove received word from their f son, Hilding J. Hanson, who has : been laboring the past two years in . the Swedish mission, for the L. D. S. 1 Church,, that he will be returning 1 home about the last part of February. He is intending to make a short tour of prominent places in Europe, and outstanding Eastern cities in the V. S. enroute home. A letter was also I received by his parents from the president of the Swedish mission 1 telling them of their son's release and of the splendid work done by him in the mission field. Mr. and iMrs. Ernest Parduhn entertained en-tertained Thursday evening at a progressive pro-gressive "500" party. The grand prizes were von by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harvey. Delicious refreshments were served to: Mr. and Mrs. George Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Thome, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Clark, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Harvey and Mr and Mrs. L. L. Larsen. i The Eighth Grade Domestic Science ! girls entertained at a Valentine luncheon lunch-eon Friday afternoon at the high school. Principal A. P. Warnick, Junior High Supt. George W. Larson, Ford Poulson and Lyean Johnson were the guests of honor. During the luncheon, a continuous program was rendered. The following towns people went to Murray, Monday, to attend the funeral fun-eral of the baby of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clay and a grand child of Mr. Among the out-of-town guests attending at-tending the funeral of David Thorne were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thorne of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Jacob-son Jacob-son of Orem, Charles Thorne, J. F. Thorne, Mrs. A. L. Brown, A. J. I Broomhead's two daughters and son, of Salt Lake, Mrs. Sarah T. West and daughter, Gennieve, Mrs. Bertha Gud-mundsen, Gud-mundsen, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Thorne, and Bishop Lyon, Mr. and . Mrs. Elvin Armitstead o.f Bingham and Mr. and Mrs. William Thorne of American Fork. I 1 and Mrs. Ray Carlson of this city: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carlson, Mrs. James Adamson, Mrs. Margaret Whit- j ' tie, Cliff Adamson, Mr. and Mrs. Ike ;. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nelson, j Miss Milton Jacobs, Miss Dorthy Jense and May Wadley. J Mrs. Laura Robertson and Mrs. j Lloyd Gray entertained at a social Wednesday evening in honor of C. L. i1 Johnson, who leaves soon for a mission mis-sion to California. The evening wag , epent in games and social chat. De- j licious refreshments were served to j the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. J C. L. Johnson, Bishop and 'Mrs. B. H. j Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Walker, j Mr. and Mrs. Weston Hales, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Garland Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Ciifton Clark. |