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Show i ' te's Pleasant Pellets are the orig-8 orig-8 liver pills put up 60 years ago. jidate liver and bowels. Adv. MMA w,th KEiiJft , Ailp11 K Cb K m Light that floods th pDyO g'h vhole room with a clear Com- fv roellow radiancel Tho , v,V v nearest to daylight of any P .'A artificial light. (i-- " "ii More light than SO com-"-t" ir.on kerosene lamps. It's Ught that protects your aiprhtl PleT:y of ligt for every home need. Easy to operate . . . easy to keep going. Only Coleman ffivea you bo much light for bo little cost. Beautiful new inodela with parchment shades. See your hardwaro or housefurnishing: dealer. If he doesn't handle, write ub. The Coleman Lamp 5 Stove Company Dept. Willie. Wichita, Kmm.: Chirac. III.; I.os Aiyrolca, Calif.; Pbitdelphi, Fa.; Toronto, Onlario, Canada ttors tav! ind they use 3 liquid laxatives tse a liquid, too, if you knew .,jach better it makes you feel, quid laxative can always be .q the right amount. You can fly reduce the dose. Reduced I is the secret of real and safe km constipation. j ask your own doctor about ask your druggist how popular s laxatives have become. The ''iquid laxative gives the right ?f help and the right amount 1. When the dose is repeated, of more each time, you take Intil the bowels are moving ly and thoroughly without aid. lie who have experienced this t, never return to any form of hat can't be regulatedl The laxative generally used is Dr. U's Syrup Pepsin. It contains land cascara, and these are j! laxatives that form no habit. Ives a condition of biliousness JJshness without upset. irclieve your occasional upsets -i and comfortably, try Syrup tLThe druggist has it. SYRUP PEPSIH Try Faster Way to Relieve Your Colds Medical Discovery Bringing Almost J 'TyJ 1 : Instant Relief to Millions Wj''$iyP' REMEMBER DIRECTIONS r . M:Wi'y The simple method pictured here is & the way many doctors now treat i vXjV colds and the aches and pains colds i S7-r' '' bring with them! jfSfr i J It is recognized as a safe, sure, 1 Take 2 BAYER Aspirin Tablets. QUICK way. For it will relieve an Make sure you get the BAYER ordinary cold almost as last as you Tablets you ask for. caught it. V'"" '2J$fl Ask your doctor about this. And - v iM -' when you buy, be sure that you get . , ja '- the real BAYER Aspirin Tablets. Jy3pr3f They dissolve (disintegrate) almost yA instantly. And thus work almost in- A-Nir1-? stantly when you take them. And ifcl-siSi' ' for a gargle, Genuine Bayer Aspirin S. Tablets disintegrate with speed and J -r j. 3 completeness, leaving no irritating es Drink a full glass of water. Repeat particles or grittincss. J.. treatment in 2 hours. BAYER Aspirin prices have been " 11 , " jf- il decisively reduced on all sizes, so , .?' . i' there's no point now in accepting i ' S KH other than the real Bayer article you i - - S want. - Mr v ,1 i5fii 3 If throat is sore, crush and stir 3 BAYER Aspirin Tablets in a third PRiCESon Genuine Bayor Arp5r! of a glass of water. Gargie twice. This , ' ,. '. eases throat soreness almost instantly. Radically Reduced on All Siztt 5 jin, JCIIAPPED To qulcWy relievo Ul chopping, roughness, tracking, apply sontliing. cooling Menlholntum. ilp ECidneys poorly functioning Kidneys and gadder make you suitor from Getting a-tp Nights. NervousnesB, Rheumatic-mlnlns. Rheumatic-mlnlns. Stiffness, Burning, Smartinur, Itching, or Acidity try tho guaranteed ' Doctor's Prescript!onCystex(SiB8-tex) I typ Must fix you up or money nCH back. Only 1b( at druggists. 7J ' your skin with a powder that hajly antiseptic and at tho samo ';'Uft, goft and smooth as eilk. j'St, oriental balsamic essential rijooiprise the medication of L'tifWa Talcum. Instantly upon the skin these oils start their 13?, healing work and you are jlcd against irritation. . i Pries 26c fetors Potter Drug & Chemical ' Incorporation, Maiden, Mass. Jhore energy? : " v Mrs. Clarence Dennis of ' X 1217 S. Edith St., Albu-' Albu-' W uerque, N. Mex., said : ''Following' an illness I felt kc bo tired. I used Dr. Pierce's $ J Golden Medical Discovery - . f " ?sand it soon strengthened my 1 t( .Sf entire system. I have found 'I 't-$t0 'Discovery' to be ex-d ex-d for thc children also. " When they were in need lft7 it built thera up." All druggists. tablets 50 cts., liquid $1.00. iOr. Pierce's Clinic, BuiTalo, K. Y. CE PENSION INFORMATION BNOLOSB STAMP 'EHittAJJ, HUMBOLDT, KAKB. |