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Show Mr. and Mrs. John Carter of Coalville Coal-ville called on Mrs. Sadie Bromley Sunday. Earl Wootton spent Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wootton, here. Mr. Wootton Is employed em-ployed in Cedar City. Week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. Sadie Bromley were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carter of Pocatello, Idaho. Ida-ho. Mrs. Carter Is the former Clarice Clar-ice Bromley. The Bluebirds of the Second ward Primary surprised their teacher, Mrs. Eldon Chipman, with a party Tuesday at the Chipman home. They brought lunches, and presented present-ed a program and played games, and presented their teacher with a gift. Those attending were Rolene Chilton, Chil-ton, Roma Simpson, Ruth Crystal, Roma Jones, Shirley Allen, Shirley Storrs, Carla Varney and Barbara Burch. |