Show G lindena giinder and farcy glanders and farcy are practically incurable and all diseased animals should be destroyed and burned or buried deeply in aou doubtful cases the disease can be i recognized by injecting malle in allein tn a 0 chuml chemical pal product of the slanders glanders germ it I 1 the horse has the dizz disease ease there will vall bo be a rise OH of temperature pera ture of two degrees or more with a well defined swelling at the point of suspected animals should be carefully isolated isolate a from others and watered and fed from separate receptacles infected quarters should be thoroughly cleaned and infected disinfected dis by rb removing moving and burning litter litt er and simil st r material stalls mangers and feed boes neek yokes etc otc should be cleaned and scrubbed with a 5 per cent solli solution tion of 0 par carbolic bolic acid in water and when dried should be whitewashed or painted equipment that ca cannot be c burned can bo be by boiling for oric one hour persons caring for horses should bo be careful not to contract con ti act the disease N S deavo mavo Dj avo |