Show 0 roat FOK rum no ko T land and anice at stilt salt lao lako city utah notice is hereby given that taze following nain iii imi ed 1 settler has filial filed notice of ills his intention to make inako proof lit in support of ills his claim arid and that sall said proof pro will be made before tile the county comity clork clerk of plute county utah at junction utah ort on february 3 alot iwa viz hans tutt tuft 11 II E 11 for lot 8 sec 28 and lot 1 sec sa tp Tj 27 S raw R 3 W S I 1 M ho names tho following witnesses to prove I 1 ill hl continuous residence upon IDI arid cultivation of said saillant land lanT viz A J sargent Sar sent miles durkee thos thoa Ci athaway laway sr nthan nathan l hardy all of utah i HOBBS nett Rig ster lster E E attorney 1721 1721 17 21 au pub 1902 T ko land office at salt lake dec 5 notice Is hereby given that the following nam ed settler lias lia filed notice of ills Jn intention to make final in support of Us his claim and that sald said proof will be made anade before tho county clerk cleri of wyne wayne county utah at lon loa utah on january 17 viz niels S Z HK HB 1202 1 for the sw 14 byll T ls sav S 35 25 anil fi go 14 ott 38 26 tp tbt 37 27 3 it K 2 J lie names the following to prote prota hla blis continuous residence upon and cultivation ot of said inal viz silas K E tanner jamea IT taylor peter 1 I 1 ahnlund john 11 II talor tailor all of fremont rreino nt utah 1620 16 20 D HOBBS register 11 II 11 M antty for notice of forfeiture state of biah county of plute A D HOW to C L you yon are arc hereby notified noti fled d that the derjue sur 11 gold minim company a corporation organ LI alic le lams of the state of utah with IN it jainel pal domce lit in salt lake city utah awl and branch loftlee in ill pinac county utah Uta hhas lias expended ono hundred dollars lit in labor and improvements upon the derjue mine allne mining illig claim lit in order to hold said premises tilt mi din tile provis provisions loub of section 2324 23 statutes of the united states being the anio amount required to hold saw said claim for the year ending december 1901 also that said the derjue surprise yur prise rise gold mining company lias has expended the t further surn sum or of one hundred dollars lit in labor mid improvements upon said mine mining claim in ili order to hold suld said derthd provisions of section 2314 2324 of statutes ites of the united statch bellg being tile amount required to lo hold said ir irv einikes for tile year ending december 31 lw IN and audit it within ninety lays days utter after the service of ghisi notice or within ninety lays days after this i notice by publication you fail or refuse to fo con coli hilute your our proportion of such expenditures is as co owner your interest in ili said claim clafin will bechina tile the property of said the alic surprise gold company under sald said section 23 2324 24 14 by order ot of lite hie beald of directors the tic surp rise gold minler company I 1 1 l by I 1 y anthony hoyka its president SIAL b 1 aud and max krotke its secretary 9 22 NOTICE united states land salt lake city utah dec tory aho m it amny y concern notice is hereby given that the state of utah has mcd filed lit hi this office a list no of lauds lands select eddythe ed 0 by bythe the said st state ite tor for tile establishment of per nt tor for purposes 1111 undo leT section 12 or of the act of congress approved july albu 16 1804 tho follow following lag tracts embraced pm braced in ill said 11 list t al are 8 in ill it towns township lill containing mineral cl claims of viz alz I 1 the nw mv U a sw aw 1 11 sec 15 16 tp SO 0 8 S R 3 w S L mer A copy of said list so far as it relates to said t tracts by descriptive subdivisions lias has been conspicuously cons s posted it in t tilt this office for inspection by any poison pos aon interested arid and by the public generally 13 ati sixty days next following the date of this notice wider midor departmental 1 instructions fictions of november 27 1896 23 L LJ LD D protests or contests against the claim or of tu the state to any or of tile tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on oil the ground that the sanie same Is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes will be rz ra melved aud noted for report k to the general land ollice office at washington DX DG failure so to protest or contest within the atme specified fled will be ba considered clont ovi evidence dence of the non lion mineral dilner character ot of the said tracts and the selee selection flon thereof being otherwise free fy eo fi aiom objection will b recommended for approval 1725 17 25 FRANK FRAK D BS register GPO geo A smith receiver Kec eivor rub pub dec 26 2 1902 list no reservoirs published lit in free lance of 31 ryse ue utah NOTICE united states land ollace salt lake city utah dec 16 1902 to whom it may concern notice is hereby gaven that tho the state of utah has tiled filed in this ansco list no of lands selected by the sald said state for the establishment ot of pr per manent water reservoirs for arri purposes under section 12 of the act of congress approved july artl 16 1894 1 the rollo following whig 1 I tracts embraced in s said list aro in ili township containing contain liiK mineral claims of record viz the nw awl sec 97 TV tp 25 s R 3 w S 1 I mer A 1 copy of said list so far rl ns s it relates to s said aid tracts tract by descriptive lias has been conspicuously posted in this office for inspection by any person interested aud and ajr the public generally within the next sixty days dayi following the late date of under departmental instructions of november 27 1896 23 L D prote protests ats or cori con tests against the clatin claim ot th estate to toiny any of bf the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore described on oil the ground that the saino saine la Is more inore valuable for will b bf re calved and noted for report to the carld onice D C failure ro to protest or contest within tile tho ehno specified will be cou con soldered evidence eviden ct of if the noil hori mineral alio tract wid mid tile selection thereof tle being other otherwise froin arom object objection lorl will bo bf runcorn for approval 18 19 ja W FRANK D laeli ll eli tor geo A smith Ef celver pub jan 2 1903 list no reservoirs published in ili the free ianco Marj ut ill ih 1 delinquent NOTICE the Cir circleville cleville irrigation Irrig company location ot principal of bil business Cir circleville cleville pluto county utah there are delinquent upon tilt the ascribed scribed stockport stock stoc kort on account ot of on oll the first lay day ot or november 1902 tho several meral amounts set opposite et the names name ot the share holders is follows namo name ce shares ault ami S E 22 C 81 84 thos tho 0 day 03 13 1348 48 1 ephraem dat bay 35 75 1 W f 0 4 W Ilem alexander mider dayla 85 7 12 I 1 0 OW IV dalton ra in fi 81 it 11 dagliy 6 81 george 10 GO 4 80 win Jo johnson bilson 7 W mcdonough Donough SIc 60 40 elmer eliner 0 nay sa 1 1 40 SW 5 GO 0 A peacock y W 4 E 6 Ail nerva rear sort 8 06 bolin jolina R it i 93 I 1 jos josh 11 11 t 11 ito 17 72 geow ti 14 il 16 1 V it ey andal IW 76 5 82 frank bishop 1 42 J P jensen 1 JOT 1 4 aft minnie wiltshire 82 37 17 john whittaker 55 65 it 61 quince crowe 2 21 1 CAY C W allen alien 23 bo 11 2 20 william burt 12 1225 25 ben benj lewis ill 1512 I 1 10 92 A bf lambayon 10 1011 92 john T nay 88 6 16 walter Farnsw 6 1 11 and in accordance with law and an ail order ol of the bo board aad of directors made on the first day ot of so many shares of each parcel of such stock as aa may be necessary will bo be sold coliat it the front door ot of J 11 II Ful liners store in ili Cir cleville tit it 2 pran pm Jar january luary ard 3rd 1903 to pay delinquent thereon together with the cost ot ad and expense of sale 1618 16 18 johnh john II 11 fullmer secretary location of office Cir circleville cleville pluto plute county v utI tj I 1 1 I D bcd 1 day of dec 1902 application FOR PAT tNT NT MA no united states land office salt lake city utah nov 13 1902 notice is hereby glyen given that tile the park gold ing company by its secretary and arthu agent W H 1 ol 01 amt lahe city utah stab lias has fiade application for a patent for or the Iler hercules cules Col colossus park no 1 park ihrk no 2 und and finis lode mining cl claims ailS consisting of IM IKU 1500 and IM elnear feet lodes and for the park mill site surface ground as 13 uy tile plat beling urvey no 4 1103 A 8 1 siti situated ill ii at baldy district bitite county ULM butali and aud described dusci abed lit in the plat and field noks 9 of SOY survey on oil file in tills orace office with varla iaria cioll at 16 de leg cast as follows fol lowa to wit survey of outside of tile tho clai claims nig commencing at cor no I 1 of the him and running thence N W 77 leg 0 E R 1600 atto ft to cor no 2 of finis N w leg 10 VV ft cor no 1 of park no 2 identical with car no 1 of park paik no 1 th ence K 20 deg dea 10 IV ft to cor no 4 of 0 park no 1 thence N 84 81 deg E ft to cor no i 1 of colossus thence N 33 31 leg 10 R it ft to cor no 2 of colossus thence S 80 8 de 21 E waa 14 ft to cor no 3 of colossus a 8 as 33 deg 10 VV IV ft to corno cor no 4 of colossi Woss 15 identical I 1 1 with cor no 4 of IIer Iler culea cules thence 8 SO leg ICAY 10 1 lo 10 f ft L to cor no S of ller cules thence N 87 leg deg 27 21 W ft to cor no bof 2 of hercules cherice N 20 leg ft to cor no 3 of park no 2 thence leaS S 84 too W 1500 ft to cor no 4 of park no ho s identical with cor no 3 of finis thence S 77 deg so W 1500 ft to cor no 4 of finis thence tt 20 deg dag 10 W ca 1 aft to cor NO I 1 of plods thc jhc place of beginning be luning containing conEn ining a total and net area of acres all of which Is applied tor for there being ito ho conflicts and band commencing at cor no I 1 of A the park mill bite and banning thence 12 2 doe 61 W to cor no 2 thence S 1 1 leg cleg 30 E ft to cor no 3 thence N I 1 deg W R X I 1 1008 it to cor xo NO 4 on oil mile aide line of finis lode thence sa 7 dej ft to cor xo NO 1 the alace of beginning a total and binl net ares of ill all of 0 wiloh h aj applied fr r there being no coil condl flicks ctR tile tho resi resumed generall bomse oi or direction of 0 tho veins or lodes lode s ahre na aa shown upon I 1 lie official said clatin claims s are located in ili tho su H w i se sec c 28 23 s u e 9 4 ail aind 1 I y s iv Y in yec see aj 21 it w ij it u vj fee cu 27 7 and 11 w 14 i bec 26 til ti 23 21 s K it 4 IV V un ampro veil stir vey U 1 R AT M no 2 bears bean as follows froidl eor cor 1 no 1 ol of each ot of said cousins clu ela Sins hercules s 73 75 tic dog W 45 W 4 it ft CoV saus 3 7 73 43 deg t it park no I 1 anil and par no 2 s 3 1 V ft finis finh 4 88 lus dega lu S i W 1385 1085 ft and park site it 81 dug 58 W V yan i feet said claonia ard aio of devord in ili tile the of the lie recorder lle corder 0 of cinto county at junction utah it fol lofts Ifer hercules cules lit in book 11 paso paga bound aind lit in book 13 pago 08 18 colomos Colom Coln siyi ms it in book 11 page SG SC arid and anul anid in ili book Ls pago page 1 park no 1 in ill book 11 page 1258 5 and aclid in ili book bok 13 page parano park no 2 j in ill book bonk 11 pago page 28 und wild in ill bonk 13 payo page filias lit in book 13 iau 1390 and rite in ili book 11 bagu 0 the nearest marest known location catlon lu Is in thu the Ici isey survey 1 I 1111 indirect that tal tins 11 notice lc be published in ill tile the freelance Fre Free eLance Lanco at Marys marysvale vale atall the newspaper nearest wild tid claims jor for a period ol of milo inno weeks it 12 1220 20 K 1 I 11 tego cst st r I 1 L it cray attly date intuit Ia of pida nov ai application FOR PAr PATENT mr alia no aft 15 united st states ates land salt L lake ake city utah pec dec notice fis 11 hereby given ghon that the sevier consolidated gold mining milling and prospecting corn cont pany ii a corporation or of butali choso principal place of business is Og ogden iTt by its agent and attorney in ili fact henry C Law lawrence renco or oe ogden utah lia haa t nindo application for t a united states patent for the tom boland boy ciul ellith lodes consolidated claim situate in ill tile tho gold mount oln alit mining alining district pluto plute Co county utah consitt ing of linear feet of the tom doy boy arid and 8 linear feet of the edith lodes and surface ground each feet wide being mineral survey no and described lit in the field notes noes imd plat of tile the official survey oti on nie file lit in tills this office with magnetic variation at 15 degrees SO 20 minutes cast as follows follo iu tho the torn tom boy Is described its follows commencing at post no I 1 a corner corne of the claim front from which U 8 31 M no I 1 bears a 21 min mill w feet distant dla tant thence ruil tillia froni frolli SUM said corner COTner no 1 sa B 7 deg degrees feet to corner no 2 thence biet n 10 degiers 67 minutes e P 5 feet to corrier corner no noa 3 thence s 21 deg degrees 23 minutes e 1477 feet to come corn rno erNo 4 thence tj 72 degrees 00 1 minutes jil w ako feet to corner no 5 6 thence 11 au degrees 04 v feet tto to corner no 6 thence it 72 degrees degree 00 alnut c e feet to cor ner no 1 being the of beginning said locc containing a total area of acres acrea however cheref thoi efroin roin ahn area lit in conflict with th alin ute and uto fraction aur a of OIW acrea net area claimed clainie dand and applied for of said tom my boy lodo lode being acres bici es T the lie T adith Is described as follows fol lovs loyns commencing angat at post ost no lae 1 a corner orlier of the claim from which U S MM no 1 bears n B 34 w feet distant thence running front said corner 2 w feet to to corner no 2 thence it 79 70 degrees dr 50 minutes inh intes e jai feet to corner no 3 thence it 0 degrees 00 minutes w LOGS feet to corner no 4 thence ti 79 7 degregg GO 50 minutes w feet to comer no I 1 being tho place of beginning sald said lode containing a 3 total area of acres acred excluding however tho the area in conflict with alie tom boy of ahls survey net area cla claimed tined and applied for of bald edith lode being 2146 acres acrea said consolidated claim containing a not OKU arm of acres each of saw said lodes embr iwed in ili said paid con connoll soll dated chelm being of record lit in tile the office of thon th county 1 recorder corder of mute county utah the nearest known locations loc attona or claims heing being the ute ulo and uto ute fraction sur MIT 40 a dun more aind bunker lill stir and james G blaine stir erler eilf pointer witt I 1 sevier extension sur a I 1 I 1 direct that this notice nodee lo be 10 published in tho free lance ut at marysvale Marys vale county of flute state or of utah for tho the period of nine becks THANK FRANK D HOBBS LW VV parks purlia attorney for applicant first pub dated decad dec lath h 1902 2 1624 16 24 |