Show IMPORTANT ANT TO advertisers the free lance wants advertise 1011 ta the more iho ahe better but bill ri L ri NOT inalee on ilic ly low prices ly by out odthe arite advertisers ellid agents who are contin continually sending in ill conti contracts acts I 1 at it t trot fro none litone to one fifth the prices charged to incel patrons it ofte oc curls that our would bo be patrons a ne e not gati ilca avith one ata vi d 11 in II two or each one boffl eti aig soine what better dorius und and 11 ve havo have no time tu to run roll a cor col bl OR rid ndel ver tle the arten it inside sloe was vas discarder disca discar deo fo for r the ex p ress purr purl oric oe of illino ud d v berf from froll gett petting AlIg aiuto lie file free lance without tile hie com out of tin tho pi Ii lisher isher and tile patent inalda will STAY dl carded of t appi the rh e art frt frio c lance is it ta abal I 1 alif alac ef the an eti me dinall dij nij indents ore re more inore than tsiun I 1 wice twice as to lie ic san and nevilon ou IL a lago julo of t lio P hn V t lince L ince than tile they y aou raould id I 1 e eon on a libi it L L 1 sheer that fact alone it hi id edg equal makes frey ji iancu a pact just twice as aa va to tho the v er I 1 another e to the adver user is ia found in ill the fidot 1 aut that we llie tal d in the arre ance ia conspicuous because of the absence of other ad advertisements vertise a condition that will vill likely continue becal lse none but bal class C on 11 cerus will pay feree rateb in n addition to tile the stove enumerated advantages vantages cid tile freu free anne hns has twice lie circulation of the avera averse average ge country paper imper and ills 1 nud and r aro t a und nial prosperous and ud therefore ciaro M likely ialy to tw be of aaltio 10 lo the field add 1 ity y arpe 4 is rapidly nl riny aind nd ayin ili iu kopul population and iu lite cobrae of six mon t ha our rates for advertising to will very likely advance nd hereafter one reply to advertisers advertise adver tiso ro will ivill cottle tho of rates 50 so far as thu the publisher is con conca 1 ert ned |