Show the Method methodists isto of tile world the general statistics of Method methodism methods ls as compiled by the various denominations are as follows Vea leyan methodists great britain members ireland foreign missions french missions 1702 south african conference west indian conference primitive methodists methodist new connection bible Christi christians ansi west van reform union 7 united methodist Moth odist free churches church ea independent methodist methodic chu churches abes australasian alasia metho dist church methodist Math Jath odist church in canada united states state met methodist episcopal churches 2 I 1 MiAh methodist odist di episcopal churches south 1460 african methodist episcopal african methodist episcopal zion colored methodist dovice EpiE episcopal COpal various other methodist denominations total mem here bers 76 throughout wide world methodism there aro are ministers lay preachers 79 sunday schools officers a and nd teachers 6 0 sunday scholars ch hur cho etc |