Show TH THE AB ID ei CORSET ITS EFFECT AND ITS OBJECT FULLY DISCUSSED writer claims it Is IG healthful unhealthful Uh and disfiguring at best beet its constant wear produces an inartistic and artificial shape the origan OMET ojie time ago 0 dr PI fillippe marechale attempted to got get a law into the french statutes giving the gov control of the sale of corsets he made it a misdemeanor for any woman under thirty years of age to wear one imposing a penalty of three montha month in ili prison or a fine of ho he planned to have the manufacturer a and nd dealer submit reports to the authorities 1 thorit ties les of all persons purchasing them on pain of having their property con confiscated fisca ted dr marechale Marec liale evidently was fully aware of the tion flon this attempted reform would arouse among adiong women and he framed the law so stringently t that hat no oner one 11 it t T e e aci could escape it did not pass however ail and women who are wedded to their corsets will not bf be divor divorced teP from them unless it should he be decreed in paris by tile the makers of fashion that suppleness grace natural curves and health should be among the requisites of a fashionable woman instead of the stilted stilled artificial cramped deformities which the fashionable modiste now turns upon society ety boys are allowed to reach maturity without being made over but girls are not education in the line of physical culture however is widening the horizon of american women and many are adopting a healthful mode of dress and many more would it if they could adjust their clothing properly discarding tile the corset is only half of the battle if the heavy skirts jiang hang from the waist and the bands are tight the discomfort is greater than the corset and the injury nearly as great the muscles which luave have been weak eneil next by the corset must be strengthened by systematic practice so that they will keep the body erect and firm aud and perform the office of the steel and whalebone then with underclothing and dress made to correspond to the law of beauty and natural form the emancipated woman will grow strong happy and attractive the degree of lacing in every country is like a barometer indicating the artistic and moral condition of the epoch epo ch the earliest mention of gird ing was made by that first dres reformer the prophet isaiah israel grown proud in prosperity was given over to idolatry social degradation ond and afi anarchy archy an artificial shape of the waist aalst g woong the Egypt egyptian imi accod i palled an age or extravagance Accordi according Dg to rousseau and bothem oth eray compression odthe of the body was not practiced by ther tha spartano spartans Spar tany tans women were considered part art of the state and wore were placed under training scarcely less vigorous than the men nor Is ia there evidence ot of waist stricture in the sue succeeding in period that of the worship of the beautiful butin but in the days preceding the destruction of the greek republics when patriotism and morals wore ware forgotten courtesans courte sans 1 4 ry WHO wo 1 AC 0 ekr r originating iri this lowest order oral 0 society was adopted by women of rank the T he romans in their turn took up the fashion during the early middle ages the custom was not hot practiced but about the eleventh cantu century ry tile the power of fashion beg befanto ganto be anAd lie be felt anti and extravagant dress find and tight bAida gln increasing A portrait of if henry ill son ot of catherine de medici show that tight lacing was ivas also practiced by mon men after napoleons elevation to imperial power ho he adopted the most rigorous system of court etiquette an attempt to resurrect the medici corset was made by tho the ladies of paris fashions but it was opposed by the empress napoleon said concerning the revival of tight lacing in 1810 atals wear born of coquetry and bad taste which murders children tells of frivolous taste and warns rne me of approaching decadence bouchand Bou chant a writer of 01 that period says stays are not composed of whalebone or of hardened leather butof hut of bars of front from three to four inches broad aej many of them no not less than eighteen inches in length the corset was introduced into england in tho the tv lv cleth century and at first was comparatively harmless its exclusive use characterized the reign of queen elizabeth tile the body was encased incased in hi a stiff armor and both men and women squeezed in their waists and swelled out their garments below this age of literature was the Tark age of morality so sa far as them the e ourt court was concerned the folly in dress was unlimited the ruffs buffs for the neck mech were stiffened by metal wires and by colored starch these were so ao immense that a spoon two tact foot long was necessary to convey food safely to the mouth th s hair was colored in divers hues br or was shaved to ac com wigs of various colors tile the puritans made litter bitter war warfare tare on asi lons ta me runty c conscience on banished these hillies follies with th tho immoralities s of tho the times and our Puritan ancestors came to our shores without tho the stiff ruff and without the steel armour about tho waist As in other countries S tho the passing of simplicity and a vigorous industry marked the passing of sensible dress and in 1829 1820 a writer lit in boston describes the practice of 0 wearing the corset day and night tightening it when lying down and again in ili the morning the corset of tho the present day is more flexible and less oba objectionable action able yet it Is still a relic of barbarism writes mabel stillman in the milwaukee sentinel tho the cheapness of it puts it within the reach of every class and tile the yearly output not in Y K aj 11 na eluding those which are imported amounts to our follies like our benefits spread with increased means of manufacturing and of transportation |