Show THE NEW k our ancestors were a lot of sturdy slurry bu betlow titlow fellows and let the sun suit get about hays daye the i tart of thet idour tit belore before theau ahey mi uge rated the che holidays of shenew new Y beur ear riis rie new yetar should have begun december 2 aoth ahon hen the ly y to a standstill and tile the old earth see seem nisto sto rest forn for a moment before beginning to turn ivr on oil hla bla right odethe surl aun worship olour or conr ancestors anc estora must have originated somewhere in the tifai northern hemisphere and in about of mar y avale thu free aa lanco shiver is exhibiting y in atonia of trying to discard tha th unthinkable tw now beig worshiped by the liu major majority ity of 0 chris lians flans and to the warm arid and sensible worship of the god of his hia fathers aqif and if the nier cury 1 l buu jul t spending nights down below zem sero therell bett be i clear case of a ire return tit rn to first principles 11 0 sure sign I 1 of having spoilt xii its from abe sub the old vean was crowded with eye events ats of tile the utmost import CL alee tile the human family ill very one of those lays days bitnes be soda 1 a tighter grip on tile iho pe people ople by that unadulterated benin bence cence called the fi trusty rusts 11 I 1 puring the nearly finished licking tile lie 1 l in utah there tilt re was more hot dot air im lis dis over the clark road zedin from salt sal t la ake it e to los loi A anele n 0 ge les in lie spent the molher deop people what they ale going tu to next semaon in ID tile the state tho republicans held mi fill election during 1902 in ill marys vale I 1 county of paule lidd nd state of utah urah slid and early in ill she lie month of df september tho the F R I 1 S 4 i towards the close of the year john bull bul 1 germany italy and se several vera I 1 othur other or of tile 1 european ur powers undertook to whip hip Ve but concluded tile the job waa too bg bigand eon cons sen entee 1 eel to referee the llie matter Al also laie in the season marconi alie 1 there libre were probably savern other important even event tp but tho the wheels of estfon to ic ue somewhat clogged with ici cleis the iiii ia destined to habig of kind but there thera be a republican election ja in utah mall vie the trusts will be busy more fore lelce hot air about the 10 ark road roa will be turned loone for further farther particulars frd lance readers are respectfully rJ umed to 10 future editions edition of pi s only paper and if they cant possibly bj walt wait to 10 idd keils almanac published in lb bondoni londoni ondon a town lit in the do rf cf J bull dozer in iii starting the avas a vague idea of trying to imitator jhb salt lake TrIbu tribunes nels new year editor aai but abe effort was early abandon i ed cd aud and will remain abandoned until our thinking machine taj thaws aws ou out t undo and christmas gela further inthe roar rear H appy jew yeal the holiday number of Utti lils only exclusively j burnul the suit stilt lake mining review reached the Fie cLatice table new years eve the pre present bont number us aw ani abort to place bl before its readers a geological each mining district of tile the ia kome somewhat what u OT 1 ft fi departure I 1 biorn om past editions of a journal of which every citizen of utah irrespective of 0 ion has renson reason to feel proud As AB editorially explains a veral important districts were nvere onit omit bled aed those undertaken to ato dothe do the work failed to famish tile the I 1 copy otherwise tim hie is complete lia and is a credit its ts publishers the free lauce lance respectfully sug beats I 1 that hint tho the feature of thia number of tile the review be continued in ill ft finkie tuie holiedy editions edi tiona and that tit the e or I 1 be d I 1 strict n be mado nd at least abrec mouths ni in adi gnep 60 aa vo to derive each without excuse ellse fur fail ure to res r the editor of our esteemed contemporary horary the lie iron county record Rec ft is evidently of trouble be t aveen veen ibe be ex cx of f thi th Rich fidd reaper dimir hn the free Litt lunchi icet penell pencil bahover now therefore X know now nil all men by pro prenis n s the th I 1 v r ef words worda between pime und sevier is over J bands have been extended extend cd acrons tile the voce no such word lit in tile the clin chism stu over which there now cooata a white dove with red eyes ind and a pink billa and our anxious tr liDda may feel easy amit any fol furch er trouble between alie erstwhile eryl while liel bel na long as lle lie bearer Reaper ex ed editor it it adhel es strictly to bohia his law proc tic LIDEI lets the arre 10 lance pencil shover plug wit without any sass our uncle Siti nuel is it u wise visa OM od ducap time was when willi ith perfect he could say sav aci europe Ju rope dont monkey with the doe doc tine 11 7 our ca teemed uncle iid did not then live jive ili it a glass house itis ilis it yet jet tied conclusion con clurion that if those european bulldozers bull biffl dozers and holdups hold ups canu cant tret get 1110 money neY out of they willgot wik gobble somo territory it doto permit fc wat tile Q mont tic doctrine be saved if uncle sam hits hay to endorse the notes of atry every ro ito public it is ia probably pro babSy nil all to protect our tle file matter of the monroe dhoti duo trine ine with motley rather than bullets A great ins tit ution is io alint hague tribunal suid ir i will wiil atril lic the american Ameri cun c citizen theat lt it would have been bett er h had ai those Euro european penn bulldozers placed their accounts in n tho hands odthe hague collection jot lection agency before they made supreme as bea aea of themselves by going down into their phool pocket the salt lake merchants 1 protect t IVR association personified person ined lit hi tile the bull biffl dozing cuts luiis it may be able to 0 o got get n few pointers from those european bull dobiers doziers A benir ago agia last friend iu in oinah sent a box of faue ci cigars 9 ars to tile llie writer hereof the compliment was wag duplicated duplicate d a week ago aga aud for which Vh Ch the las has conr it is not licit the material holiday cremeni ibera beran noes cies that are prized so ao much as the kindly tho thoughts lights abat prompt llie lie sending in ili the holiday number of the salt luke lake TO bune lill d nn ati epitome or of utah which will be difficult to surpass ill future holodny ho lidny numbers it Is n jutter for pride arld to 10 compare the holiday numbers of utah da d iules bailles with sli similar nilar public publications of abo eastern states the li holiday oliday number of the salt Salti lake bake herald is in ill every way the tire lire pro ligal gul in tiute ber variety aric ty and abd beauty while the descriptive matter pertaining to arid and progress is generally full fall and complete tim the ogden standard has largely iu in crea cereac echi size and improved in every I 1 respect dining lie past tow few mouths months ifa ata holiday number is abreast of the 1 queen city cily for alc which it faithfully labors alien editor jumped up ap on oil of the was like hue anlo rimling vp bamat a bua saw which tile the bence man hns hlis ev evidently awit y daco erad by tins this i fluit gibbs is ot e of 1 the ablest wi writers its in ili utah provo prove J T F olahs of Marys marysvale vale was air 11 tho city last werk week on oil bu business 41 ness mr gibba is editor ami p of uett Mury avale free fre ance and ik IF gating g aln out apayer that is a credit to i lie he country ry and wv ofir w I 1 is doing din much in calling outside to tile haf 1 u did mineral reso of plute and se vir vier counties mr ibba T is an p br gr geologist rind contributed tile lie ive wid lumbe tir on oil alt body mineral belt elsi elsw where liere i in this isue 1 lie e is thoroughly aar with the geology ail abid mineral formation of 11 the mr auldy ihne KL einink leviev ev |