Show LOCAL F NEWS T A number of copies of tile the hin holiday liday salt lake mining review for matejik aado fc the ali free lance khop they wee ordera d to it supply local ini bing byett who inny desire to send coples copies to f i abe alic tate price fifteen conly copy john howes hn faid in ft stock ol 01 if shoes allots a ul etc ail will soil sell them lit al arlee beating alg aures hures I 1 if r the arba lance ru atice alice ofhie iri in provider with avith first clas imi mn machinery chinery ebitt ery and printers ti to t o meet till nil orders for job printing lf if ed brush of aurelin iu i novy enjoying his ILI to to mary favale difed ai ivice sn to ali t ho had be belter I 1 te do in atie matter in niter lie he can get kaiv timely sug su cesi estinna inns by culling nt at this lis shop price 21 J 11 and 1 ti d a y ti a r I 1 H sub tt to tilt iho free lance ill bu I 1 in ill us boot 1 dont bleat num berof the free li ignee inee just put one cent on oil it and end e to it or or might inight be induced 0 to o become bec oinie interested in ill the ml fialky y 40 old I 1 1 I belt tf n 1 11 whitlock lias has sol sole e anti and other I 1 leather for rei miring slices 1101 harness lips 9 lether and nd material forre for repairing piri ug har nesa and saddles and is prep ired to do the work tf t f i wonderful nerve I 1 11 i played by many a ann inn enduring 1 of cute cut wounds bruse 1 burna scalds sore ree factor tor iff joints but therele there ig no im need for it if buckens bucl Buc lens barnica alvo will kill tho the phin pain and ancl curo the trouble rouble ita best save salve on earth for kilwy too loo atilano II owes ibe t of if thi anre lockky Y that thal the hf h f L la lonce nce pencil shover is lea iea to atik alltha lTha an boas angs WR R dking doin bicay j n do our jovn pelina pel InU if BUM of our BELIN quENt sub |