Show handling a peach crop R morrill I 1 think thin IC nine tenths ou of the peaches in our state arol a good many from illinois are picked either tao soon or too late and no at thorlo right time A peach one half or two thirds grown is semi em colored and it if picked will go on and take out the color but never mature never sots gets flavor flavo r and never has haa size the last forty fort 1111 eight hours in the i development of th the peach is what gives it the size and it is a very important L factor in selling A peach should be picked as the greater portion of it turns to yellow or cream white depend depending hig upon the variety it should le be picked immediately immediate ly it frequently happens that you should go over an orchard every day every tree and take out every ripe peach A great many people gather their crop at two tw or three pickings and they find their fruit coming into market in bad order and the commission man perhaps making a had bad report on it and they do not like the commission man while tho the fault is with them and as our markets are getting better and bett better er supplied each year by competent men the men i who cannot understand this who cannot understand what the customer want wants ts esmust must be the sufferer ile he hm has nobody to find fault with but him himself selL I 1 see sed a great lack everywhere I 1 go a of proper preparation for handling fiand ling crops crop seven evon among largo large orchard archard grow ers they aro are not well equipped as wi ai rule and not prepared to so handle a crop enthey wh when they got get it and then nater work ing for yearn and years year to get a crop broj they lose a laro largo percentage of it from their lb inability ability to care for it rightly 0 1 Farmers farin ers 1 review no dut duty on pants the custom houses of tile the united Uni teil states admit all clerical robs robes and vestments vest menta used in church services fres free of duty A clergyman riot not very long ago landed in new york with a larga collect collection ibn of ses aes stoles and vest ments and with a pair of tro trouser the custom house examiner pa passed the clerical robes without a murmur but lie ho drew attention to the pants ants with the re remark marli you knust py pay ditty on on these for only those articles wh icIL you wear in dh divine lue service arc am free ot c duty my good fellow replied th the cleric you surely would not expect 11 S me to officiate clate in my church without my iny pants pant sl they were d of f duty |