Show R T BEEF FOR FARMERS fsr SENDING P ANIMALS TO MARKET asas state agricultural college coll ge hus has proved by experiments that its it s 1 the there re is much profit in branch A of gialle the business id A A the experiment station of the kansas sa 9 agricultural college lias has recently the following bullo bulletin till informing in forcing calves lor for baby beef tho feeder foegler must remember that the calves 4 are ace babies and must be treat treated cI as aa y such to secure the greatest gains 1 th feeder who loves them and pets L hem mid and a nd never allows allots a harsh word to be spoken in ili the food feed lot will got many more pounds of gain from his feed than will the fu eder who simply puts an equal amount of feed in ili the tha boxes wid and kicks a calf when it gets in ill lis ills way the striking difference chov hoam n in an experiment in the cost of df gain from c calves that had been 6 potted 1 l for six alx months while on aukim 1 ml lk calves that had been raised in small pastures and were ordin ordinarily airily M iamo 1 c and wild calves Q m this the feed should bo be fresh and palatable at ivory avory feeding and the calves should bould be red fed in such a way as to induce them to cat the greatest pos amount and yet corne come to the f feed eed boxes hungry at ovary every feeding the floding should he be done 0 arly to the minute water waier and salt should be before them all the time and both should be palatable we prefer loose valt salt and place it in the boxes under the sheda fresh salt should be ett eel in the boxes at least twice tivice each and care must bo taken to se e th tt the salt doey not caare and hard r L ah if it does the calves will not eat elou enough b for best results the best results will be obtained by f coding the grain mixed with the roughage and the mixing is bost best when done in such a w way that each particle of 0 grain lu is taken into the masuth m uth u attached to a piece of rough age when this la Is done the calves 1 chew the reater greater part ol oc the grain drain oyer over a second time with the cud greater gains are made from p each ach dundrea pounds ot 0 gain scours scouring ani and getting off feed not troublesome in stormy weather ireather it will apay tho the feeder to stay in the feed lots with the calves all lay day in bad weather a calf feels blue just as a human be f ing and often if left to himself will rot not cat c at when N the calf does not eat eai lie he will not gain at such times if r the feeder jr who has petted hi hii calves will stay in the med lot stir up the v foed feed in one box freshen it iti an other and offer a handful to the calf that is not eating the calf will como colne around his feeder mr for com companionship pan aps ops chipi and anal after he has had a few mouthfuls mouth fuls of feed wa will 11 find bind that he is hungry and will eat a hearty meal the call calf 7 makes a good zain gain from that days f A feed care and kindness do not cost money but come from thoughtfulness i and love for animals they pay what does doe T the production of baby beef mean nothing to the ranchman who has ha s cheap pastures ies a complete change in the methods of crop prodoc TT 5 afon and of feeding to the farmer with avith high priced limited pastures the farmer who raises and fattens mature steers has h as to furnish pasture for cor his cows the yearlings yearnings year lings the two year olds and often for the three ye year arz ld eld steers ho watts waits three years from 1116 time the calf is born until he realizes reff lizes on ane investment and only one fourth of his herd are cows producing calves if the farmer will pral pro ilip bb can All ohla spas ture to the full limit with cows pro duclus calves and lie he will realize on the calves twelve months front tho the date of their birth capital is turned annually instead of once in every three years the farmers grain will produce from 50 to per cent more pounds of baby beef than it will of 0 beef fram a mature steer and for the past bast three years the baby beef animal has haa sold for as high prices per hundred as has the average steer in producing baby beef the farmer can market his hi heifer calves at the same sa me pried price as a his steers and will usually get more for the twelve montha old heifer than lie would for the same animal if kept until maturity |