Show 0 o ALONG THE MT GOLD BELT s iri toini 2 s i Q P Mary lap j a vale dlo ote ole larsen Lar sei sup of the lie snow siow bird spent anas tit at his home in ili E J byrry v ry dennis hy has taken it a 40 foot rj t turi tiel contract on tile thu mt baldy group in ill cottonwood Gott onwood anyon lice ike it a onetime one time lime operator in ili this locality cattle came down from salt laap last and remained neI brew aa few da ys husinez s mr aud ut idAlis ars have arrived biow ft oil sal salt t lake and are re domiciled in 11 tilt ilif loring lor mg r iid nc mr ii vela 14 i the lis silye tol d cr 1 bic Brud bura people alle 1 bi 01 ocilio oci tio boen been simply dazi dazing tiff from I 1 tile he numb yr er jhb abat has ifft tills hp there wits eviden uy something an adeius 1111 9 lit t of one minute alt M idia morning dr P A 17 franklin went cast from suit salt lake laet saturday affer noon foot ott on bubines liu i ill ii connection with liia gold mines abines prop cottonwood call ma s ws 11 1 en I 1 in ili it a with irith dr fraula jill last ast Ba turdy lit in sult lake the FI arc lanly ilea benvil leair learned ned flint 4 jil jile ate e if b iu ill for fol t tj big ca of ext and development nex iu ill tho iho vicinity ol of MaryH vole after the iha purr part of the free lauce peau pea pe 1 it will ie to t to do the assessment work in 1904 ou the claims located I 1 in it tile Marys valo villo country better oil cn larg the fix patches pat clies taj alkia year bya and get bady for the str at work for next year Mile michael linel 11 WB down last monday froin the bidlo michael was v I 1 as loca loc liou ailon notices and alile lie re filled to discuss the question it is in feric berred d that a i ch buggle of locution location notices is 1 on between tile abo bettie bdie and the 10 to if I 1 and mend friend F ill haughey i 00 oo well to his la lau uela els jarnia longjr after spending the holidays iu in salt lake lae whre where his lutle little girl an only chilo is in school calr cae e down don on oil mondays Mon dayd train spent tha night in and went on to kimberly Kim beily mr long informs the free lance that lanm 1 no 5 on oil lie he atillie annie laurie is in bad ground and progress is not therefore entirely rely satisfactory tory t 0 n young r manager manag er of the lie dalton G GI lopama co came pama down from sall balt luke lake early eaily in in the wack ind and spent it day or two lit at thomine the 11 except lit in a roundabout way facts us I 1 to 0 the ile physical condition conditi oll of tile ho tall ballon on are difficult to obtain atit there izi every reason to belleve is iu a satis fictor y nia niter to the work woric being done A wei tc or two ibo free lauce latice M glibic OL the tur tunnel I 1 el tile the bully boy vein in in bullion Buffi oll by lem colbath jr mr colbath returned to suit stilt lake thursday but it comet comes pretty straight that ft a gli campli sampling na of the large larga ore bolies bodies croves that tile the first class 01 ore 0 will vill stand ship and ancl I 1 leave a handsome profit while tilt the second cass can call be concentrated lit in the webster ater unil duill mile ore is ti ft aih grade gale galena att walker lee lim returned from froin the chonito copper country where 1 he e has as been employed during tile tha post past several seven months mr lee th that tt I 1 lie he copper deposit I 1 is bract practically leally his x hau staMe stahle tad de is ill sandstone 4 t otte I 1 und md is front from four to ten feet iti in th thickness that capping ca the blanket decosi t is a lu at r is it bou t four net deep deell and is sloughed ploughed hed tini craid lerand oil the ore is then quarried 41 out olit 1 ported if ri necessary tind ud transported runs by towns loamy to the reduction seven miles distant flom tle be nilve A of four horses and two wagons will vill move pounds and call cai make inalee one trip per lay day some difficulty is 19 baciu ene encountered countered by the freia freez fiig U of ortho I 1 lie water avater pippa lit in the mill alf cutill v 1 q iwa limuli pre buil bullion loll tarry L doing some 11 ari ard in connection with the wedge option the free lunce Is alwaes careful not to publish premature mature milling news or acnia that tant thole mos IDO nt arly con consented vented gouid to tokuei kwet temporarily from t rom tilt public but 1311 t thares and it will boon be publio public property yince bince the above was in ill type events auve yo i baked that tho free lalice can state that dr P A it 11 francelin frank Fr antelin till lias secured t tile lie option on OB the wedge tho the deal adds another most promising 0 pro property party to tho already largo harge holdings of dr franklin in ili that vicinity S several well men ivill tie be employed in de develop work the pres exit crabl e w wrather wc oath ather er and as sorn soon as condl cioni will a laige hugo force will be put on aud and before dr FI franklin dinklin gets through with too wedge the question an to its value will be eft tied there are in every camp a clasy class of in ami vii called knock knockers ere aud lt it isacon censa when any of the kno knocker club geu gets a aliance to k knock the under pinning froin erom some other fellows falows proposition he cuts in im the other lay day supt bupt lorenzo odthe of the L ay X staled that it a 1 knoett had stated staled unit that lie he and his hip are working i tig on oil a practically burren barren vein veil now no iv f ald fald mr Nc ilsen ill tell you what I 1 will vill do ill wager my aly one abird interest in the L N aga against irist one dollar that a sample of taken from tile the shift winch is ia down on the vein feet will give returns of not less lees I 1 than ban io ja per tot lot out of 50 essays assays from the he shaft not one olin of chein went le les than 89 SJ jy of feris opsa to all comers ond if fr the knocker hasul hubut got tho price 0 of the W assay I 1 will t pay font for it 11 f uld hd i 1 0 ow 10 1 TP mp io 10 tile liv 7 i and is 18 it call anso e of olic oie dollar or shut up hiom tas tai IT 11 billingsley Billings lcy supt bupt of tile the 13 wi va H down in st vier canyon it Is itney 16 aliat the holiday va 0 wil end on y evening e n aud and that lunday lund ny will wi witness t a re res 11 up mod kJOL of r work vork v ork A can cam pill ae of development ell t hit lis aten ala mapped p oal o al 9 of which thu the following lollo ving is 3 nn all oil nul lSne the goffig ln 1 no 3 1 will lo be co continued ithmer southwesterly on abo fis fissure siire A from froly no 2 will by besuch down don on oil tile ho large ell uli sinney of shipping ore an I 1 in i ore from arril no S ajl fl bi be made nia 11 6 to connect with tile the fiuza Z from no 3 the innee tile the ill ln inels leing about bet op e rin jn terms j it t will open opell a body or of shipping la 19 ore high IY by full ful feet e in ill ae 19 I 1 tit 1 ila t will bo be sloped and from which 1110 ho ne vs ar willbe derived lef ived for exploratory ry ay iy work ark me aie several shipping oro ore hetteen be no 8 3 and i maral 4 noth 60 foot vein of m n HII 1111 ng oro 0 ru get feet ditont ili tant to t the nc ild para parabell lell with the he fissure now flow being j berlied A crosscut cross cut out will le ie run out ironi from JS 0 3 and tha intervening ve dingi countr coun lr as well us as tile the big vein will ago bi A p elored lored the ceolo geology y of that coull could possibly bat ta i ks rh ti as to tile final 1 outcome of v |