Show MENACE OF FLOODS IN TIM THE SPRING lance hasi lias jp dearv to un 1111 the ye along cheif eilev liver baij bij but t if the feitli of bonow during C the bitle aej s pirt part or of the winter vi titer is na heavy L av y in proportion ho do thit th it lins allen dillen I 1 thero is ia danger a feud it is pointed ou t D the better for those who ar tro hlll 1111 likely ly to lo ae cr r aroln an over ilov flow althe of the IS savier t vier river the greater mena 0 o 3 wirl win confront con front thu debret De eret tind tile ike rati ah ers rs below the town auver altice the fro from the i L evler rl r l e rit bus as been used th the e river channel hub hits ben been narrowing ulal kac becoming oming more challow rhul loT iii 11 propof I 1 tion ion as aa the hit i ator ater lins been belli willows vil lows linae encroached enc oil the chuta mel and have allor ded ti i t for debris olid and eilt E 10 to ibb extent ilat whre wh wl ift re fifield ago 0 o tho alie chal channel illel was ayn to eix rods wide it is ia now eight tot to melve feet it will be by those sallo lived in ili deseret eret tit thet the tuno inic of the hie layt last dibi 9 11 litteri ll 11 hint levees hid had co be mude made inthe m the lower part martof oft llie lie town to protect many of I 1 alic lie residences the channel is now much sin smaller aller mid nd ft like volume of water next 8 pring wohld flood almost the town A imla mi mile lle of levees on oil side agthe ri river ver trad cud the of abe bre bridge ige ir of agi writer ar e to lo bl be heeded flave the lie old time stamped to locktee barb baan after thy the horse had been sto stolen lell I 1 there are Marys marysvale vale who alir v reme remember the last a high water mater in ill thi hlll how water covered situ site of iber cheru ibe eRU th R 0 W eta lion hon Itis dollars to nt next spring na high water watery jait boal 1 l be it in orda to reach and ibave talo s r 1 alom 11 the foregoing Is not for the purpose of scaring searing anyone but as a slight hint that providence Provid ce seems inclined to at ic length oath give heed to tile the accumulated prayers for mol moisture sture prayers that linte probably dur autho pst tell len years arni to which the ilie chief vather clerks attention has been dras drawn 1 |