Show FOR alitt fiust in salt lake city w to fox A indin brach 11 LOOK my tours ernly and coffars are the best in utah 1 ry teem ind I 1 ivill refund the money in aery instance heie they do not pie entire satisfaction 41 tf JAMES X LOST on condit eveni nur nov jtb between barn and df me rails a memoranda bool papers of no v alne but ta the rd turn to the RECORD office 41 j A gilron E i JELL bouane SOLD 0 R ure houam salt lake city pent aa usual some two months this among the factories of the baite tho result n a barfie ind well selected stock of furniture of avei to chich they call your it tension address 13 to street now 13 the time to order i inter clothing D P kaeler has ant ret a new lot of from eat and will bo to rt ceita ordera from need of clothing give asti a call 33 arnn conr clochi is it once and pet best boods as is ho latest styles ando to suit all tit fe of 33 D F eiph Vese taLlo anu by telephone fioti lid delt fi aser next door to park city alanl and it bros mir m ir ket in loth places goods teim booths austers ousters ala on hand 0 J L D D S fir TUB FIRM or CHAP OF S LAKE la now located in park city for a FEW DAYS ONLY icons atken rooms at mr alio citizens of park city will find him prepared to extract and liike for ear in t f f A A S DOUGHERTY JL ITS repairing promptly attended to BEDROOM KITCHEN DESKS TABLES WARDROBES lounges and office furniture 4 IN GREAT VARIETY diggans Dig nans gaii park city utah Ss m 0 1 I W gg BOUGHERTY BOWMAN it staple A abid fasick groceries 7 0 boo aim anos SUPPLIES WINES LIQUORS AND CIGARS 0 reet r li city PAID TO ALL ORDERS st anaf biml irakis in PIE M CLOTHING AND furnishing GOODS boots sm shoes ILir dare and miners supplies loflin lof lic liquors and lars and milwaukee ase arcotti or CottI alwi beer br the on and cfall and us i KIESEL ROGERS PARK oita atah M ILg PARK CITY UTAH IT hardware and miners supplies wines liquors etc AT AND h fly ra u ati A fea ti SJ H af HAND AT dexter livery sables 1 per hundred faco around TOM n JOB DELIVERY waon always ccady can bo ordered by J 0 vv hr leav ii ROOK AND ciders iet at miners union aih accompanied by cash v ill recene prompt attention co ati am part vf rath acty 01 0 o 29 WM in au kanda of foreign ancl nativo marbles tn tl ular best ork awol I 1 rl w find antti all work dt I 1 1 ind ako blaik at of clift ironic onali i JF mw DEPOT 1 iii J fyd vly fiihr boon finx or J i S the alicc you can alway find the JL latest stationery nuts ond notions j couf of all a and cac all good cards toy lanell age and other rolfka nula apt in H and tw depot in and GOODS PRICES rok a ST AND PAPER j feathers mirrors 1 carlots Car pots wall paper 3 GOTO 22 SALT carr T B JONES SALT LAKE CITY UTAH deylan IN S paid to nd ral luf ho lj to mid etca hf kork 3 B colgate t co ari anuk of auf nil abut bouw muhrl arito ii antt B co |