Show orarn your freh vegetable arnita and by fro liddell grisor nast to adik city ihal ind at rhinot ahoi meat millet telephone in both alices goods delivered with own teim boosi a always on lund s st W iab t oi all Is alo ONE GASH STORE OF T W jd j er dab ia i 0 jw j w CANNED GOODS OF abil dry goods aad general merchandise Mer chandis e r H 0 YOUNG 0 P MILES GROCERIES DRY GOODS v t NOTIONS boysa AND HENS CLOTHING AND GLASSWARE HATS CAPS AND GLOVES LIQUORS of the purest and bet brands in tho market AGENTS FOR THE celebrated COLBY WASHING MACHINE PARK CITY UTAH bornis arcs P antreas T pierrot superintendent SALT AND MACHINE one and a half blocks south of U 0 R R depot manufacturers of steam engines boilers stamp mills mining milling and hoisting Mi chinery on hand for silo one 15 hoise power stationary engine one 20 horse power portable engine and boiler one 6 horse power portable engine and boiler one 50 horse power boiled one 80 horse power boiler one 12 horse power boiler one alden and one dodge crusher and rolls 0 o oo 00 A N D 1 SAW AND SHINGLE MILL omen FOOT OF MAIN ka a ilow open and vill supply customers with the CHOICES ill T id y SPECIAL ATTENTION TO masat or MULHALL CO F raa aa ism STOSE mos E st mo Dpn vETi A flao A we invite every hod aiom city and county to call and inject our cant three story building buil dint filled from basement to top floii feitli the choir cst best selected and cheapest chei pest stock of new goods ever shown in this cit no climbing of constant operation opp ration polite and salesmen in cry department our press goods department contains Cont tins most elegant brocaded brocades Bro cades in batin and velvet gatins satins de lyons silks gatins satins alk velvety velvets in newest brocho other pans novelties blick and colored of english and fience mikes GO 70 bo 00 cents andu per and dress goods aiom 8 cents per ard upwards oar AND TABLE department contains pomo of the choicest designs best brands of prints bleached cotton flannels etc etc oar BOOT SHOE AND department boners unequaled attractions as legarda price and quilitz qui lity rubbers ot all kindri and styles to suit evcic want all goods bold in this department wn ranted our DOLHAM CLOAK AND department its sales so far exceeded our bosit expectations in eveia respect resie ct ona PANCY GOODS AND HOSIERY department contain in silk and cotton jiovo in all sea and qualities the coilet in brench anti makes twenty other bands of ainest t cheapest coi sets many bargains in silk handkerchiefs Rueh ings jewelry etca this oui clophina CLO rHINa AND GENTS furnishing department contains hie best and most perfect pitting goods at prices to induce sil only WILL rim ault STOCK luice and turnis to matli tiny enst or alst orders solicited ft om dirand established 1864 call and examine goods and priam no to show goods F AUERBACH BRO hf H f 1 city druff store vt 0 0 E 0 williamson AMSON if DRUGS MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES SPONGES PAINTS OILS tarnishes putty WINDOW GLASS etc AGENT ron READY MIXED FOR USE HP acte ic rip tion carefully henry wagener cita CALl TOBBIA BREWERY liasse ALE A POSTER and tai second south bet main A ton mercial S IS TT TO tl WO HH fl T Const on hand a full suppler of metallic burial cases and wood coffins together with a full assortment of under takers boodt generally I 1 ain prepared to do everything in rn line in fiant cliss and at rebion ible prices A I 1 or unit prompt r bat side 31 aln street LT park city hotel pnra city uenh L SIMONS proprietor THE ONLY 1 PARK good beds and ancla accomma dation sor baues supplied talk market affords tamy to per d ay iy ic conlin to room per cek 88 to imalain ST OPPOSITE POST domce vie tale pleasure sure in to the public that to inive titled up ahli re of expense anil for convenience and contort in utah in addition to hot baths sea bill and sulphur aitu mill cure any humar of the aklu sulphur batha 1 00 75 hot anil cold water 50 rf H W 9 su M v 0 M i AND FEED STABLE i main street opposite marinc mill A M prop CARia AGES ml nors always on hand careful attention given to boarding horses hebar and park cita TAGE im T S WATSON daily at n in park city daily passengers and express car ried A 3 WHITES 3 x p P e s s s va J ig STAGE LEAVES SUNDAYS ila daja ni and saturday A J prop I 1 DINE AT aad MAUNDER proprietor 3 CITY UTAH FRESH dymas A rall line of fresn CANDIES FANCY GROCERIES carmod goods etc BuU erand eggs a specialty PIES CAKES DAILY tsa hare in connection irith tac abor amt alisi whir the hui cry will the altet and fresh etl artl bid and robat meals at all hours beard to V boorer week tilva B rat geom scott co and trtat dialeti moh EL aises vises picks axes shovels bellows nd retry leigers lEI HERS MATERIAL AND 1 to ru alth 0 abort J binin sair hills boilers hoisting tirla etc aad n aana yes ui UG and st WM PARK CITY UTAH clr in ur for beneral I 1 for DRY GOODS 3 CLOTHING y GROCERIES provisions HARDWARE SUPPLIES line WILL connet alon with iraln lef j will let 4 the ontario inlall nl b 15 and carh city hotel nt b 30 for the bm a ra train eoina bortt IV kavc park city at 3 for the p in tran goiny north be at the depot for all trains elci ar bexter livery stable G maek arp 11 A N B pa park city time Is SO minute than time HOUSE yam street salt lae atty ufah S C EWING proprietor T irb only alb catt ca eatery room HOT AND COLD BATHS S aoa d hid room per W te 1 t mk 8 00 to 1069 EVANS builders Buil dors GRAVE AND monumental S eal in marble elitc feihl iron ra pioneer hiie ancl main street SALT LAKE CITY r 0 aoi lost |