Show LEGAL stob li to erncr 1 BAIT LAJ carr UTU OO 00 1 hereby given that the boulder 11 mining company ot salt like city butth by lla president T V whose drena U salt lake city utah has made for a baites for alie boulder cl iaru in baue ledge wa falih county utah territory c of linear fiet fi et of the lode and crouns feit being lot and described in alic fic ld notes and plat ut ali official aurvil on tile in tills with mag bitti iitti variation at grees 0 catt as follows ut vhs initial 1 thence n 71 des v olaug alic center line of alie claim 19 feet to a point n 3 deg aj biln alone center lini of the cluora fet to a in eastern end hue n 4 dag w au 1 I ctet to post 0 o 1 8 4 dek c 2 M 8 feet to post 2 alth post 0 o 4 of lie ida pell claim lot s 62 de W biln w fiu to post no 3 71 raff w i thence D 4 acs w 2071 adt to iol no 5 cheik feet to post ioa theme n V dee 60 mill gindin of burcue bound containing an araca of 0 I 1 roni no S U 8 M M 0 o 1 bean s 4 dag c 71 fiet d slant ho the bald i being of record in the 0 lice of the recorder of s nd at in at i s itch county U tali 1 lie nearest cinowa 11 S arrow hawk on alit no th I 1 dutky bill a id ida hell on the cat boulder oa 03 on alie south and no 2 on the est an and all ertons any portion of abild der arc to file their adverse ith the Kcf clater of the U 8 land office at salt lako city butali within the CO daia acri d ut publication hereof or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions and of the lulled states in euca mida and I 1 direct that athla notice be published in tho MINING keco IP the weekly news published nearest the taid mining liim for the arlod dars II 11 ealley parsons alt ya for applice is SS 47 yon PATENT A A nr 1 17 Is hereby given that robert C jt chael ars of salt lake city utah his made application for a bulted act etca for the may flower ledge ind co claim at nine hundred and echt linear fait of the lode aud surface ground ano hundred fiet ft ide being lot no 20 2 0 A also the may flower mill bite containing fire acres being lot SJ B both tian ito in uintah mining district summit county utah and dec ribel in the field notes and plat of the official arrey on file in this ottice with variation at li degrees ca east as follow ast 1st may flower ledge and co corn ahe discovery point and running u 21 dag inan w act t alic centre tit the end line thence 07 de SO rain w feet to hobt no 1 corber of the claim e feet to post so 2 from post no I 1 of the mi I 1 lower mill elte bears n S dap dtp SO rain e JO feet 23 dc TO inan e MS feet to post 0 o S a 07 de 0 ala mla w feet to post ho 4 thena n si S i deg SO aln w aai fact to said 0 o 1 the place of beginning of surface boulds g the arena in with lots oa 09 37 45 and W stating an area of 1 wa 1000 acres ad may hoer hill Site Commencing at pot 0 o I 1 torner of and thence u feet to post no 2 thence sio feet 1 pot no 4 thena w aco feet to post koltas claie of ante are altin amt pmt I 1 putt put t vhf t of the may flower lede C claim a 2 SO buin w hw CJ feet dis tant llie said claim and atte being of record in tha the recorder of said mining at park ally in Sun nit utah the alie kllc rt ll the the atri in and the 8 la I 1 direct that till notice be published in ae park mining record the newspaper pub fahed bearett atie bald clarai aud ite for the period of tsa di ST 11 Mcl lAhlER register application FOE PATENT I 1 miteb STATES oprial I 1 SALT car UTAH act 5 ai Is hereby given louls 1 david avan and john n dugan hoe address ii park city utah ami v hose nc address la sail lake city ailt lake count utah hure nude application for a states milling claim in blue ledge county utah territory of linear fet f et of lode nd gurvace around 00 feet ide being lot no and described in the geld autes and plat of the il sur acy on file in this offlie with magnetic ataria alon at 10 AJ minutes cast as fol howg commencing at the discover point catlie claim thice on n ift deg 07 roin e 7 0 feet to a point in the cin ci n ter of lie eastern end liae of the alilin thence 6 20 acs 23 roin c feet to post no thence ta dog 87 mill w 10 feet to poto 2 thence n 20 doffs asoo fact to post no 3 thence n CJ deg 37 inin c 1500 fait lo 10 post 0 o 4 B 20 dag ai aln e SM acl to post no 1 the barf ice boand oon taming acres so conflicts no 4 the U 8 mineral monument 0 o I 1 in uintah mining district hears n 5 de 47 act distant the bild claim being of aci rd in the office of the ri cordar of s ld iii di in fulch in tt satch count uth locations being the oi cida on the AH and all persons clacil nr adv creel any portion of gild custar clinin arc required to file their adverse claims thereto with the of the U S I 1 and office at salt I 1 alo uty within period of publication hereof hire of tho sixt days or the will bo barred by virtue of 11 e pro and of the united in buch cases aude and provided I 1 direct that this notice PARK the nearest alii babil claim or alic ian A ot days 11 0 45 leister roa ts tj 1 1 8 CUT af AH ou fai 1 Is hereby given that NOTICE mining Oo inpan of suit Uffe City utah by Us philip T nt lc choso whoso address li silt si lt lilie city utah lias made application for a united states patent for the idt dell lo 10 S mining claim in blue I edff mining district asarch county of linear ctet ot tho lode anil surface ground AX ctet being lot and described lu the flold notes and plat of the off lilal survey on he in with mag lutat lit 17 ac 0 ct as follow ang at the initial point clience n 73 dap 15 aia feet along the center line of tha to s point in fatura end line thence n 17 45 w feet to not 0 o 1 chenco e 17 deg ai aln c feet to post 0 o 3 theace 6 TO daff 45 w aa feet to post 0 o 1 a 17 aln feet filous tho eastern end line of MA bell milling lot sa to post oa 04 thence le ai aln e ato feat to post no 1 bound an 1148 0 o convicts ts vr im yost 4 U 8 1 l M no 1 hears a CJ dc aj aln w distant alio ald claim being of word in the office of the recorder of mid mining ats tract at mcglenn courtr altah loca tlona being tho on the north ll aniton on ibe cast and ida isell on the arst I 1 direct that tills notice be published la the park mining mccord tho ab libed tho ald mining cluin for the of sixty diva 1 U danar A tt ys apt ay ct tab |