Show LEGAL NOTICES dissolution NOTICE THE co partnership hereto existing bo arnold A wall and michael tan in the latry business in park city has been dissolved and john I 1 street 1 luthor lcd bcd to collect all accounts diw wall A sul litan and hecei t for the same and pay the kneib except those debts by arnold A wall of which the arbitrator and hare a ast 1st of ARNOLD A rl SULLIVAN 41 43 assessment notice PARK water arks company lo 10 cation of i rind il place of and works park fit summit retort of utah notice Is hereby alven that at a of the board f of compney Comp h ld on the da of I 1 0 isai an of one aloo dollar per share levied upon eatock of alic cornor atlon payable on or be fore the day f 1881 to L I 1 his office in park cit sum nit county utah territory any stock epou which alila anny on alic alth day of abai ani be declared delinquent and advertised for bale at public au cllon and unless pa ment be made before will be sold on the ath day of december 1881 to kiy the as with the costs of bisin and of fac L r secretary s onice park city utah NOT 7 IS beatis I 1 A ID 1 SALT lAK catl NOT I 1 ast 1st give i eliat alie NOTICE in named h is died notice of intention to maki prof in of his claim and entry then of an j eliat said proof win before the Kelster or at salt lake ci on Sa december 1 till 1881 via hathan Cl bAur antry io af for hie s s a sec y n e n w ec 02 s e ac lie the following ft continuous residence upon and f said lind la 17 john smith ain smith B kauh um J all of kamas summit county utah ten II 11 register bird A locc atti s for claimants 41 4 rop publication I 1 utne fr 70 1 I 1 ADO FrIC I 1 LAKE bior 7 wl j licach altin fiat the fallow ali ina tt lr h is filed notice of hl intention to make clial poof p in support of liia and tint si 1 male before fie courty lerk of county alAs ilcy 8 borkon saturday janu ary ass 7 john 8 snyder D S for alie n X s e n a w 4 sec lo 10 tp 5 8 rye lie names ns to note his continuous ns cc upon and of sald land viz oh i iton jose li II 11 blaak carld L and aaa burton of Aahl cis lorl uintah coun is register bird fc locc allya 41 41 application rob ottra 0 o ast S FATES I 1 t D on SUT I 1 utah T nor 9 leai f NOTICE 9 here y that C iolian gail G V oua ford and 1 D simon choso whoso of hac atts for alie milling cl urn situate in I 1 ielah inan district county utah territory conkli giuy f lm lode and surface roii iid ller lot no CM and cd lu alie field not and plat of the eur 11 in this magnetic van at 16 de 21 jiin east as it the di coverT f the claim s 47 dc 20 aln w 1 OTO H et to ahr center of alc tlc uric nl u 42 de feet to lost io 1 thence 9 42 de 40 biln c fe t to toot no lh cc n 47 dc at aln c 1500 feet no 3 tl c ice n aj de 0 inan M to post no 4 dc M mill e to rest no e boi n 1 try alic bur fice ground of the claim coutino an area of IP as after excluding the urea in conditt li lot U I 1 santo amm tal bic 1 47 anun post no US 1 I t no 4 bara n 5 15 ruin dai tnt for the aret in conflict with ct 22 2 2 the dr W r smith milling clalra abe ap patent liette on ahe in the U 8 land office silt lake cl teat and and the sald arci in coillot coil lct will bo adda lit the mineral entry of the ninin claim should hie courts of acido the conflict nt isac in aitor of the for patent sald Tier manlo clala clarai bejec of record in the of the recorder city in utah alic known locations h ang th bcd lot md dr t smith milling claims any and nil persona claiming any portion of s iid mining claim aro required to fie their cettina to aith lie afi land salt I ac city within the of cation hereof or they will be barred by clr tue of tha and statutes of the linrod stalls in such anses made and pro tided I 1 that abla nolan bop in abe tho nene paper pub I 1 C newt the ald claim for the period of lity days H 48 50 Re application SOS tal I 1 IND erncr f SALT LAKE CITY LT in hoy Is hereby laii that J address Is utah rt has made for n united beatin patent for ahe crown point lode or i in dl conaty utah consisting afaf linear sick of alio lode and feit wide hen lot 0 o and described in the feol I 1 notis in I 1 pint of lie official bineyon allo in this little ut 13 de 10 biln baat a fol ions commencie at the initial of the the claim thence on can ter line a 71 dc 03 lulu c al 21 feet to a point in the center of tho end line of the claim thence s v S fectzo poat 0 o 1 chenco n 71 acs W tain w til feet to post lo 10 2 chenco n 41 lee 2270 feet to post lo 10 3 then cei 74 02 e to post so 4 chenco 8 44 deg w 0 fectzo losito 1 the beginning of surface biundi hocco hoC cr bioni athla alon conflict alfi lode lot no ITS 0 W acres area in con flici with latno 17 raj conflict ay iy flower bodt biot no A containing acres area sought to be U I 1 the US M M no 1 bears S deg 9 aln 0 J 1 6 the ald mining flaim 0 record in the 0 alco of ret order of district t birk city count uenh iho known han alio on orth arli on alia arnth golden chariot on the cast and may flower and kanin on the eat any and all anny portion 05 own mining arc to fila their claims thereto with the R of ho U 8 nt tu I ake city butali within the alty days tertod of publication hereof or they will be baad by of the iona and taule of tho united staica in euch made ibid I 1 thi notice be published in tin PALA Ii Niji ti pub lishco tho ald bilm fur tho of dis if I 1 tj fur lunt 11 W |