Show SAIT LAKE ITEMS efrom the tribune judae is reported seriously ill mary emedy and will trot a 5 stale at tho driving park on dinst in old miner cells in at his in the eight ard on wednesday night of typhoid fever the odd fellows of this city rill give their annual ball in sheldon hilj on the opening of december ath axten tivo preparations aro loing made for a grand time john hardcastle Hard castlo of sandy was ac ci dently shot in the thigh witha load of buckshot while hunting deer sunday he was li ought to bac milks hospital monday wing are on the wing in this city since their contest with outside sh noting dabs their blood is up now and they are anxious to jacklo any shoo lists in ho territory salt lakers aia grumbling about rancid butter there aro alwa 3 a certain claib here who would growl if they were to bo hiep strong butter makes oath and then bollow strong wro died of old ace in this city on night he was born oct 21 1780 which makes his age ears up to tho time of his death bis memory and mind was good prospect nono ever bettor foi a coal famine here this but ilca canyon coal in tho lae salt olo until tho corn of the utah lastein from ann to zion sundry plates and for tho manufacture of confederate bonds beio found in the of pelix payton this weak Also somo printed bond felix denies that 1 e was printing them for the pui poe of and speculation wednesday a tramp by the name of J C roy was found in lyciy lo 10 ft an over coat on which ho had purloined from judo land ho was arraigned before jushpy crand ocal up foi fifty dayo verily the way of the 13 hard A belloy callina himself john the baptist was before tho police cobit tuesday for knocking a min down he said he was advance of taft lord and the pirty wanted to know why he did not pet out am posters and adier tiso in alio piper was too much for tho self it led and ho coin polled alio lomei to measure his length i on the sidewalk |