Show ACCESSION TO raa dtta well well eaid mr ake a that involved bis hole licad and an effort at a tip foe ti ead that sho ik the whole boue and so it a kiil my mi smiled and mi picked up hia heirs it b the imas of vours she sa d ic barding ith some trepidation mr s of handling the antani I 1 dont seo how u make eliat out aid mi preely 1 I don t know hen mi nobe looked like the thumb claw do I 1 andu undu baand you that dinv inv eyes bear any rc to the head of a sc icv 1 I mean the general feature mm aured mis t ahe tea scam to be all li retorted mi e ini ining ilia acquisition U our gen bial aie at all alike uy ishige dinst ol 01 an earthquake hi litchee ki tchee what makes her told up her leys like ahe can t help it iason cd ars out in time no tune like the pie sent quoted mr elect lect and commenced pulling her lanb 1 I donavant dont vant any band leg feet in this family while I 1 am at naturally the laby commenced to cry and mr ke essayed to soothe it litchee Litch cece he chirruped ed great scott oliata cavern mitcheel lit cheel litch c e dinv inv to get that roofed in beffie cold tle tt ith lier alyna hurt her let 1 ake peb a pi p i ou me hei please mrs she s doing byell enough you holdup you to catch this mouth in its all oer abo neighborhood icil genevieva vc cleopatra arr nal rin HO in to have ti uble this coring cues temper lean e that herl lend tho other way once and mr to sanny without avail 1 let her coma to me do please moaned mrs and mr was to hand her over well quite a baby 1 said he his knee and evenich alie infant what aie those bumps ovar its ces for what pr arpad pad bince of intelligence do they you austn t talk so remonstrated mrs the hand hii nou ever saw k well she s got to stop biting her nails beffie she poes any further with the here take baur hands out of houi mouth cant you why dian didn t ou put her hands down 1 hy all babies do thit mrs you can t stop that im boink to try said mr dyke and I 1 dont t want to be inter feica with in bringing this child up hero you adud put our hinds in bouc pockets poc lets bont let me see any more nan chewing or you and net mixed up in an argument she get 8 that from your family mis t dav dfwar dont yon want to eo and cordei some things asked mrs no rejoined her hustind hus bind 1 I want to free this her chin 1 do babies always bae their up their shoulders deis per baw set on Kitch cel kitchell kit cheel her scalp comes to to tho bridge of her noe I 1 dont belde she s quite right her gibat moseal her head is all on th parti yay that babi s pot to ba pressed so shape getaway exclaimed H endyke indignantly she b a angel la tha horld abo mattai ith her growled mr you dont want aa thina giorc than a fog horn and ainis spent appropriation to an orphan asylum if I 1 had jour faith and the colic id malic a living aaa foundlings fond lings lomel bhe 11 be old enough to in awell won t she no she said mis dyke she 11 never be old enough lor that I 1 bet she will profaned mr end kc 11 be in t shell pet it before ae ap to that period 1 bats all let me take her here lots have lier but mrs flatly keep your do aasted baba then 1 ir it you know more about babies than ido theu keep her 1 I he wiy you coddle think she was a new paste foi the if you had one more bairn and a handle make a fair bixl fit ou up and a spot you d do for a second nursery and mr started off to find his friend who con Ciatu liim and started off with anin to assist in aba selection of an overcoat and a pair of ear anu as tiomai y abe approaching winter lafof |