Show LEGAL NOTICES application fur patent yo y ss UNITED J at omen I 1 salt lake city utah nov 2 lual t streby that vliga aej loe ajro it marlboro Marl bore st simlon has inide application for a united beatis i abent fur the mount anon no i ali alny ilalie in snake anek va eatch county utah of 1500 linear feet of the lode aud eurl c grorud alx ct lulng lot no 40 and described in alic field notes and pat ulc in this ollace of the ua with iou at 17 degrees east at bc discovery follow 03 6 paint alln aiace n M dg e on center line SOO stake in the center of cast feet to leation lua tion feet to arn anil line thence s 11 deo pott 0 o 1 alk along south side of claim IWO feet to poet no 2 thence end line COO feet to n 81 beg w alons 1 out io 3 n K deff c alon sideline 1500 feet to post AO 4 aloni cud line COO feet to post deg e io 1 30 ks acres lees the amount f around acres in conflict with the moraln star clinin hereby s eluded the bald mining balm lalm the of the of eald district at midway in asarch coun butali the known locations locutions locut ions be ty marnin slur ami ing 1 0 1 and i and mount varnon calib o blaim I 1 direct tint this notice be published in i the park mining decord the I 1 lold llie caid claim for the period of sixty days U 40 Pec lster application for patent yc ao say UNITED STATES LAUD africa OF rica salt lal e city utah idov 2 I 1 beroby een alitt alla itce jv and ire t afi marlboro Murl boro st in alli of boston sells ins anade for a united states patent fur alie minnesota lodo in anake creek blang als tritt elih con of birteen lincir feet of the lode and eustace ground eix fiet vide being lot 0 o 40 and in the beld notes and plat of alie auncy on file in this ellb at 17 cast as fallows at initial point at the center of the lot i alon then n 57 deg c on center alno feet to k point in enter of eastern end line thence sd c to isto 1 the place of thence w aang the southern elde of the to INO i thence n AS dug along the ind of the clinin coruto hobt oa 03 n 57 dege along the side libie 1500 fact to corner alie e dilons sine AX feet t i the torner ca containing 20 less the amount of 1000 acres in con i fllch with the 0 connell claim hereby excluded the aid mining being of of the recorder of said chick in county utah the nearest km a locations being the U ul and lawrence lode and the clavins of mabel and henrietta I 1 dirt tt that this notice bi published in the lank the pub cluid for the period of sixty ajl g II 11 Mc MASlER 40 4 fj application for A sac oprice I 1 BALT LAH C OITT 2 a given that bilas reed J hoc residence mid arc nt 0 o marlboro t boston mass has made application far a united staica far the mount truo nol mining ilasin in nae creek aln ing district S aaili county IT consisting cf linear feet of the lode raud six hundred feit fei t wide no 47 in abc flold notes and patt of the official survey on tile in tills office wah virla lion nt 17 drics cat as follow is loin nieu cing at the il of cald clabia leuce n 59 deff 0 ou centra line W feet to in of eastern cad line theme n 31 ace w ajo fait ty post no 1 thence 8 W deg w northern sile hue 1100 feet to post 0 o 2 thence e sl le e alous leitera Me itera end 1100 COO feet to pot 0 o j 9 dag c alon falde line 1500 feet to i ot no 4 n 31 daff w along battern end feet to rout no 1 containing 20 acres the said mining liepins of record in the of lice bf the recorder of baij lalni rg nt midway sn wasatch Va satch coulty utah ibe nearest 1 nonn locates being the and the aud lieu netta I 1 direct that lotice be 16 the newspaper the ald cufr the period of sixty diya II 11 40 49 B rob A vu uv STATES 1 SALT LAKE cm ocl Is bercov that the follow JS J ing named has filed notice of iiii intention to make final proof lu support of his claim arid that aal proof be mode alie or receiver of the U 8 land office ut salt lake city U ton saturday NOT 12 ejbl vr james antry no W 1 tp 11 r 3 e he names the follow ins sea to prove hla rel deitch up n and of eald land viz brigham II 11 H gaver t laatt city uth nd trac buzzo an I 1 eric M cal of irta n city cout ir nuns att rs for FOS UNITED STATES LAND orrica utan ott 1 lail scrib that the follow JL ing fald notice of to make fla slip port of lis claim and bi cure alual itra ani thal BUM proof ul be ramie before judg or in hia before the clerk of the court of county limit at the county beat on saturday nor 12 1 2 ibal tl 0 son of midway wn counti utah II 11 E 5 for the e n c V 33 tn r 4 e of 8 L 1 I und r altof my U lie the following to prove his continuous residence upon and culotta of bald land tit samuel alpod junes aind christian 11 of midway county II 11 mcmaster BR A atty B lor ironica iro Tica mining compart ot utah LOCH APEX lion of principal onice and place 0 at alic office of me bride main bait like city utah ter eltory location of orli kirk city mining district county utah territory notice Is hereby given blut at a ot the of al 11 corporation held at t the corporation in the city and county of bait lake utah territory an the ditth day of oc tobar biml an of one ent per bhare va levied upon alic capital block of the corporation payable en or before tho day of november A D 16 sl lo 10 arthur L I 1 hainas secretary and treasurer of the corporation corp at the house of me cornat co in salt I 1 ake CUT utah which thle tock upon ny tory ment inay remain unpaid on the day of A D will he and advertised for sale at public auction and un icso payment la biado before will be bold on alo ith ilay of december A D to any alio delinquent ista of and expenses of tale atrhur L THOMAS in and treasurer U lalie oct SO lal 80 3 |