Show the Mic alsan not receiving their contributions properly two cowboys swing into anity b masked V president arthur proclaims thurs daj ansa nov ath abo president the following tion lone been the eions custom of our people with the dosing of the year back upon the blessings brought to then in the changing course ot tho seasons and to return solemn thanks to tho all giving source brorn whom they floi and although at thi period when the tailing leaf that the time ot oin eacret duty u at I 1 and our nation sill lies in the of that great which has filled oui hearts end bindo tindo us in sorrowful aspres ion toward I 1 whom but lately bowed in supplication yet the countless benefits which been upon us during the past month call for our dervent ci and mike it fitting that we should etith thankful n mercy has signally favored our countey and people peace without ind prosper ity within have been vouchsafed vouch sated to us no pestilence has v sited our shore abundant privileges ind which air fathers left in their wisdom are still our increasing hennige hen tige ind if in parts of its v isac domain somo our in their forest bornea bor nei et even this calamity has been and lu a manner by the generou compassion toi the suf leurs which has been called foith throughout our land all these things it if meet that the voice of the nation should so UP to god in devout homage I 1 chester A arthur president of thy united state do rcola mend that all people observe chur day the day of november a i day of national thanksgiving and prayer by fara ba from then secular labors and roe etingin their place of worship la iscum ing honor and praise to almighty god choso whoso goodness has been so manifest in and in oni licca and ins prayers rat hi bounties may continuo onti nuo to us and our CHSTER A pi evident G secretary ot state the united stata deputy Mii to day fat the defense 1 the Guiteau case the fol amed bitnes P norwood damson diniel beistline Eist Line in ano P hoesr tl boarded and frank L union 1 lio bitne e are 0 o report in washinton on the dinst john W guiteau the as ain s brol hens enjoined to burg betteis and two bamily bibler to be used in evidence LITTLE nov 8 phil ip E an alias Delan cyone of the youthful train robbers recently cn tensed to twenty v ears imprisonment in the lor robbin ff tho thain on the lion mountain road died this morning fi oui his anti ance into on he appeared to be broken all to revive him failed A camo and the hopelessness of pardon crushed h s spirit and chused his death ST nov 8 awo men shea and fane who escaped from bail to dav were found committing i burglary to night and in trying to S a ahot a policeman dead both were re captured 8 the of the of tho navil board eliat foite one new vessels be built ahe apo cd alet would be all but useless for coat or harboe defence orne 7 for which is obviously our most pressing need the nese sity for forts ind bi guns is more than annuch reorganization N nov 8 A able accident occurred on the erie rail 1 roid ten two freight ascending in tho mountain collided killing the conduct 1 or georgo don jerome GIOVO and muk M uk cotson the trims were badly alie acro at both ends ot cich tram ahe particulars are received of the explosion of pounds of last night n tho quincy irine hancock lilke Sa prior mine was bady wrecked ind areat damage wis done wm juroka and ole klecon minche and george medeia a boy killed noy 8 the vanderbilt line announce in advance of five cents per one pounds on grain to the sea board mak the gram rate 25 cents and tho pio vision rate 20 cents di troit nov 8 dr barneman Bar numan old and respected physician of school craft laid himself on a bablo on sunday and shot through the heart ahe cause was insanity chicago nov 8 it is authoritatively spited that tho Pru ident recently promised the pt john 0 new ornie new an 1 that ho has decided to mike him minister to news say ho will accept nov 9 A N van horn well known in circles died esterday from th of a dose with suicidal intent vin to kansas city froan ind WAS formerly agent ot the santa load nov Q train on tho louisville cincinnati ton railroad jumped the it south covington corae bained cause demolishing several cars anil killing tho conductor J II 11 love nov 9 trustee chaffee ra ant fuiks Quid neck company stock and other portions ofilio trust ty of W sprague manufacturing company for u by auction next mouth NEW YORK nov 9 mai quia do ambeau wife sailed this morning toi fiance A liro number ot friend gathered to them sail NEW 9 james R montrose shot and kille 1 win at field villo lat night while quarreling over the result ot tho election montrone escaped NOT 9 abo aran ment on the information pho of the star rout to day and judge cox announced that ho would pi give the decision to morrow NOT 10 an engine anav froni au last night dashed it full speed into an en engine on the indianapolis A vincena s railway tl cm both and killed a number of cattle losa 0 O nobody injured Provi DECE nov 10 the democrats nominated henry L bisson and the republicans henry spencer for congress in the MILWAUKEE nov 10 returned Re turnes to certain that the republican ticket is elected by avei 1 majenty NEW yore nov 10 mac voigh aftab a long talk with tho president Pies ident returned to postmaster general james ie fused to talk on tha star loute case only that there a othel cases a defendants which the statue of limitations do not exclude and which coald go oa b indictment by the broking of a etsel rope abo editor in the hotel fell horn the firth floor to tho basement john aleacer At eacer a porter was latip injured eveely inifred their names aie joseph mercedes alentijo Alen tido mrs alentijo and dickie the post bivs bager will take tho treasure on bondly nest and if he fail boget bonds by wed be will issue a call for ind order liepa ment anth rebate nov 10 fiodi the state received by the journal puts cans majority he journal edys if the ill hia assoria republican ston ire elected i 17 15 tho 07 democrats and cl republicans CHARLOTTE N nov 9 at t mills jimes a youad planter hot dead nat gib on a constable ine tragedy 00 oo placa the and in ahe execution of an i v gibion upon the property of arethel in escaped NET nov 9 ary gould S dillon resell sago and samuel aloin chosen of the manhatten Man hitten railroad Rail roid compan ibe directors elected jay gould prudent COLUMBUS ohio N ov 9 dai id jones a maa recently in tha manufacture ot buggies here was ar to dt for forgery to the extent of 5 toS nov 9 the depart of Jn antico tico n ahe matter got the reappointment of peter aberman chief justice of dakota and chaice have filed to prevent his reappointment department charge ire against Teru tonal ers desiring appointment tl e gadfield Ga ifield mcdonal hosp til is ibo railroads earned during theair for transportation which 14 with held by the Secie tiry of tha treasur to be applied to the liquidation of their indebtedness to the united states tl e total value service the war department by laili oads during the year is nov ath bill and sandy kingto member of the noted cowboy gang vere recently ar for dealing in stolen stock and taken to foi about 2 this morning over a dozen masked men nent to tho bail wacie the two men were confined and seizing ahe guard hung tho cowboys to a joist until dead aico nov 9 balleto Cal leto of tho michigan committee answering cin inquire of secretary mcdonald of the new boik michigan relief committee says there is much among tha sufferer suf feier to stock food and shelter 2 families will aped at last each to lido avei the winter means are about ted has been re bened but no account f it has beba given and it is d abit only is now on hind tho mayor thinks tho committees commit teea have acted unwisely and l recipients by their an 1 urge tho detroit com to dia burso all the money now on hand nov 9 tho exposition heie is claimed bv who hive seen both to eccel in milne lo 10 this country the centen nul exhibition at ahe dilphy of tho natural resources and 13 something on bues tues lay apt mexican veterans gen sharmin and will be ot thousands of visitors filin all parti ot tha country expected to join 14 NOT 9 scoville 11 the court to day stated the dan of the did not remember taking a letter bioni guiteau to hini and giving it to tho district Ato iney and declined to miko affidi it he fir troubling tiou bling the cault but would benj tha matter up during the trial he district 1 denied having froni abe warden crocker or any one ebo iny letter from guite to scoville bc oville he had ex lendail every courtesy to scoville realizing his an I 1 wondered it SAN WCO 10 A seat ie washington dispatch dio patch says a letter hai been in theOndo donk montray Lon tray on thy canadian pacific railroad stating blut ha 13 go 1 in to canni foi tl of contracting tr for 1000 or anoro to bo biou plit to anush columbia to boik on the states that great difficulty has beyn experienced in getting whito mea toji ork on the load wa brownsville BROWNS VILLE 11 diio iho grands is since 18 llie is within block of tho in zin plaza in about tarco fourths of tha gatei great damage done and there is much the lexical Mex ical sa hie lieth of it has almost every addi lil bbate orential 1 havo elected william P is chairman in place of leff leffner ned resolutions complimenting blabas were passed ky 11 M II 11 stanford u stock farm and areat stable of were sold to D price ot the land ot the atol not nov 11 ohp bun having praised lows canvass for the brooklyn a model campaign alleging that low had to con to ita expense tho latter in a personal onal card in the sun says so far as it i elates to myself the statement is literally lit t uc I 1 hao not expended one tent in my own behalf directly or indirectly but towards the end ot last week I 1 did send to the republican campaign committee with implicit neiti action to use of the othni candidates and not m i mine |