Show OF THE E oa P i 0 express leaves park alt t a 0 leata tylnn at 7 18 a n I 1 TM t 7 4 ro I 1 ete colville at y 02 ni at 10 a a t ech tl 83 8 3 n lettas eh E h at 8 19 p la grass p u t m p A 37 11 ta arl city t JM p la karth alte city at p ta betm mundon at 4 10 p in I nh lp at S 00 p BI Coal Tille t 5 0 p tn 1 eates creek huncl aft p ui arritt t adio at 0 10 p m sourn BOLD MIXED late echo t 12 15 p m 1 03 p ta tt t 1 15 p la arbitm at p TO akinson tk inson at 2 23 p IB at arl city it S 00 p ca time 30 faster ibin arl atty efa n clui ft L rAsi t gea I 1 AJ T claret C B warlene War lele ritaa W B dothridge TOP the finest in silt lake city so to tor L callers rs bi an ib main sheet LEGAL ryo the of the lizzie II mill JL you are hereby notified that 1 have for iou in and labor the sum of SIW belli abc total amount of v ork done in tae icar aw on sail claim in panko creek mining dla tract W to utah territory mid nn jc yon bwy the game to ether with the cost of your vill be forfeited to BIC by operation of luw S 3 JOHN T ION mining company REBEL location t puce of ties B lit lake city salt f ike county ulan ol 01 uintah district county utah tico i hereby gucu at a of abc lard of m hectora of fitted co inpan held on the slat day of october an of cents per share was levied i the capital of the corporation payable on or be fore the day of november 1831 to jamaca lawrence a office aau lake city auh any tok upon this may remain un paid on the gilld day of ball ie td eUl tor le fit public auction and payment i made before will be sold on the day of december 1881 lo 10 kiy the delinquent as ossi nent with the cost of adver and of bale JAMES secretary secretary s salt lake alt oct 27 1161 9 43 assessment k mining company bait alt utah territory notice Is hereby given that at meeting of the dl rectors held at park city summit county territory on the fifth dav ol 01 oc A D of thirty fire j cant per barc na levied upon the cap ilal stock of the corporation payable on llie fourteenth letb day of Iove niber A D L boyt aurer of this corn yany t his in park city summit bounly utah territory any upon which this assessment may remain on the ald fourteenth kill day of november ill be de and advertised for allo at public auction and junices payment 1 made before alic kith day of november A D 1881 to pay tho delan quint together with the colof and expenses of sale uia nad accy con mining co onico of secretary 12 ll 11 south salt lae city 37 41 |