Show communications held nt hall park city sum inu count territory t re ry second and fourth y of each of eleter lodgia in the jurisdiction and sojourning sojo brethren bret hrin are cordiali lh invited totted M LF epcy CITY LODGE 7 I 1 0 MEET every mond evening at 1 hall all wa odd bellowe in good ure to attend wll 0 K P accy 16 bodae NO 1 0 saturday at MEETS clock at masonic leall master orken in good are cord lalli in cited to fruend Ui enKOw recorder wa P justice of alie peace and notary public city precinct office in bebel llon building hours rom 9 to 4 p n S 1 bukalo bUK GLO office Buil din lately occupied b s 40 disbrow ext door to the railroad house alb S ME PL 19 T AVID mcfalls M and SUK faEO oppose park citi utah LAND offid I 1 li rosr of te salt I 1 altae acty I 1 1 u tor ait aerl tl pure 1 re rii uber col tir zad ld 1 zuelou api i nt to akui elama or aej e aff t t city all I 1 limox to crwford a DENTISTS lake city AU du OVER tl carefully 1 fatig tion ahou A L t r li e y UTAH attorney at ban A rotary at astr and botary public application for mada i catl W WOODS offic 2 bouth earett on bif block atit ot tue offia SALT 1 UTAH one ot ilio ot lue properly coolies 1 11 ue or no kud much torture to tie lout ben ton I 1 with the food in elii with aej of nil li by kud tb ue aruil tonic 1 to remedy fever and toe for eale by aud deiler ouray ou rUy arga DB S filLS BEES PILE car instant i in infill bla CURE FOR ALL OF PILES sold 1 cry v lacre price 1 00 per box by mail ent free to and all by co box ew york atty SALOON this saloon under ibe management of jack pap is be coirin more 1 popular u di behind the bar vill bo found the finest liquors in town and al 8 levy ell knownly known My own and dublin coffars give a all when yc u want an ay up I 1 you want arst alj five 11 it the as he kahps with mountain meadows ipp rs 01 fillers and dont you borget it something hew e A OYSTER SALOON SA LOON AM cold bonoli stand in the rear of the O dizzly baloon J PIPE proprietor COATES 11 IT A D confectionery till tho the best nud cheapest A fine assortment of i cigars tobacco and fancy ITo tiong first door clovo WiIIiam eon s dru store 36 A 1 mi 07 parl city utah ta W U bis a i adul i al under management S 2 proprietor SALT LAKS 1 saat LAKE alad SP a a JM aa i 1 net 1 city ti ait aal the idock stages dryers and ac alonar tho road arc the beat and the rates aro low enough to meet all competition stat the silt at 8 CO 1 at the 4 00 p 1 al parit city hotel at t 10 p the 8 09 tho biage tery day boffl at ff P salt take ail I 1 etc makes em oil i W W S i H CO 3 u boots and shoes PARK 1 QU arof W I 1 helhe respectfully to thu publio eliat he has by seeming the services of the principal musician ot ane town organized a filst class band and will bo ready to furnish music at leison ible rates for all coining coi balls and entertainments the band is coin poked ol 01 tho first violin and leader WE derond violin W bond mi boins baa and J 1 bornet T gifft Irom pter E crowther orders loft J Frois elli or W dond will 91 park city CITY BUT sell on tb i roald JU of tue tit e 3 bice tn fr on K wk KUX all point on ali filiac rlyn fa t nf OK el and ajtai cuido on t geue better of credit ti tue cult of the state ul E arop mule t o 0 bay and nail otaw in tow york kas t oa te price foi arto lil bid WC latt on tb tuai t iran belf dublin and su baele lan nat md platt bajo ic a 1 pofi it antweil An wa JIn lland amsterdam ad bergen Trond jaza aal acta aa Sr kretem eteM S 1 benm rk u t ginoi Lexo TD 1 I 1 u anno nd coloe st I 1 spi adl 5 in dOporto anra 1 sh ALL vi fargo co new ork fell co san a stelli argo co alt lk gmahl 1 ashlar THE LONDON BANK OF sa friars ald oala LAKE CITY fiorel Ki orel capital av capital buy adil acl Steril nj Ex chaie bay and ell drafts on the cille df ali united bealts P allowed on deposits t botlee of withdraw accounts kept on tue most blo terio in bonalon A co ca K batet the beulin le ulin bank of auen rn in new in rhonl iu national B ia in tho bink of E auban jaines PABS J ft DS disc W GROCERIES provisions AND WINES LIQUORS TOBACCO agents for the wagon alio pacific ia railroads TO for salt anke city P take the train leaving park city depot dally at 2 p m la salt lake aitt at 8 SO p m et Os den for sapper I 1 the comfortable quick an I 1 car THIS tain roanne of tr between paric city and silt lake cit and travelers tra velere will their interests by taking abi route rates and other far on application to J W MORSE JAS SHARP 1 amt aib silt aale ay PR gen 1 V 1 R park wf ty T t W FENNEMORE aji LL tiete of cofflin and coffan L hand i ask bopf pyrie 1 r chei |