Show FOREIGN gladstone retorted hy constables far amr of mi assault A tycoon sad aaion alio celestials Celesti als land affairs baill attracting british attention noy 8 abo arhl of arthue lefroy for tho of gold came to a loe to day he cobit room was densely crowded A remarkable number of women were pies the lord chief justice is dmn up to tho prosecution was strongly and tended to throw loial on winch the defence belied that lelroy lid not pawned a pis distl tl and showed entire in tle i assria lion that a third person u in at the tin e ol 01 tho murder ahe prisoner wis w is faund guilty oa 01 sentenced to le hanged alter lei tence had been passed lafroy pro lis nov 8 another boat con twenty seven scions from abe dumdi steamer konig founded on her oage aiom batavia to amsterdam is picked up and the survivors landed rac condri head pour boats with u are still ani gnp they been a month on ohp indian ocean ard their pio visions must be exhausted LONDON nov 8 tho marquis of balis bul acknowledged tho receipt of from the cou sc club and censure jtb seventy the past and present tactics ot the aba treatment of the lush question l alicy is dinyer ons td tho isacc aud prosperity of tho country HAMET nov 8 the various lovria ol 01 the are on the eve of a pi gantic strike all alie men connected with tho association resolved to cease work gnip their advance is glinted rhe sanke will emr loes at the hepting the employers to defuso the advance LODO inov 8 in the cortz mad rid the debate on the address in icely to the speech from the throne was continued and tho government was de bisely victorious NOT S con to bo taken foi gladstone as to tho thain by consta birs droun nov 81 police took do n the names nf ill who entered the new rooms ladled lind leagus monday with view to prosecution in mew of tho great 11 there will bo oily sub cornu u dundei the lan i act for the pie piment ent nina aldi commission ars aie appointed for one air only the government believing that by tho ox pi ration of eliat time undue of work will bo removed despite tho ion of tho land leacue secial local branches continue to meet secretly A circular haa been to tho police them meetings held lor league purposes held sibly for another object with a view to the arrest of tho participants the executive 13 considering what to do in regard to tho lidies league autes a lenoit in journal of a interview between hira and two meni br of tho home rulo leacue on at biday chieh wholly inaccurate and misleading nov 8 and earshil portar queens counsel william johnson as for irel nid john Mc lialo archbishop of dmn is dead boar atenci NOT 8 reports from now indicate that another war 13 imminent there king ALa kree and contests have already occurred between the followers of both parties I 1 he chiefs oko jumbo and i intend to join in the hostilities tho foier siding with Will braid and tho latter with king Askak iee yellow his caused terrible havoc in senegal NOT 8 in congress lo 10 day the minister Mi of finance instated the tiei sury would lne at it disposal by the means lor piling tho for the isue ot new route tin is no v 8 important tribes in the soak district huo agreed to submit to the 9 the foreign mission ary seminal has a telegram tele grim from hong kong dated tuesday stating that a terrible typhoon raged in west ern two hundred churches personages parsonages nages and collego colle gp and 2 houses aio decayed decoyed thousand Chri stains aro ruined and without resources losses immense distress terrible telegrams Tele grims beg for aid YoKo nouA oct Immedi iM after the return of tho his northern tour i proclamation as issued ot the establishment of a constitution with representatives u in dissatisfaction was shown to some extent in consequence of the long delay and several native newspapers suspended for adverse nov 10 the capp coast cantio reports that the ainar ot an tea killed pirla for the pur poso ol 01 using then blood for mortar for the repair of one ortho state ahe report of tho massacre was received from a chosen as one of the victims such ro known to bo a custom with the kieff dr caner at hendon on a killed 83 pigeons out of 1 ha challenge wa kill 70 birdi out of and the stakes were on this p of the duitch 70 birds divine been killed 50 aside were laid on each additional bud up to eight dr can er killed theae without a miss tho confederate bonds aro now twelve shillings six cents per thousand ciar NOT 9 list night ox prisident dont diaz was barned civilly to mis bokori witnesses for general anz were president gon and general for tho ando aaroon G luzman and saavedra Soa vedra it is reported oa authority abit the belat between lesico and guat annala are cry critical 9 bount andrassy in hisie maiks in the delegation yesterday raid that during the whole of his minis tenal career he hid been convinced that the union of italy and aultna as a great ind important actor in the pi chei ration of european equilibrium LONDON nov 9 the episcopal arms carved on tho ol 01 Archi bishop mccaba s hoie in dublin broken off it is suppo ed on account of the arceli bishops recent pastoral at abo first sitting of tho land cornin dision in Lim there was a large attendance and about claims foi reduction rt of rent presented taft standards Stand aids berlin says there u no doubt the proposition made to germany by tho biorn secretary to join the in a collective answon brainos BIa inos dispatch in to the panama canal will not be accepted german feels no antei ests in the matter at a home alue meeting in dulin sullivan brothel of A M sullivan moved that the home rule manifesto mani lesto through europe alenci and australia Austi alia deceives Dec tives watched those who entered the room to attend the meeting 10 day was devoted to tho lord minors show it is holiday and abdai ness u suspended |