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Show ra I Democrats, Republicans and ail! 1 of ye Ephraim people, why don.! ! yo.i get a move on your lazy bones and let us have a glorious Fourth of July, such as would mike the town hum with delight. Messrs. M. J. Roda and E. M. Nelson have now decided to run a first class Barber shop and Bath House the location is on Main St. just south of Jos. F. Dorius & Co. This means business and everything will be run on Metropotitan style. Sumner Suits (a) Si 0.00 Summer Underwear (i; gi.oo Summer Shirts (a) .50 Summer Hats (n) .50 Most Complete and Stylish line in the City, of Gents Furnishings. Prices lower than tha lowest. You know where-just South of Post Office. Jos. F. Dorr's&Cu. The San Tete Valley Railroad Company will hold their annual niprinrr fit Vinl,; r...i nt meeting at Nephi Monday. We hope they will lay plans then for an extension of the road through our county. We greatly appreciate the advent of the R. G. W. but at the same time are in favor of the U. P. coming to our city. Ephraim is about as dead a town at present as is found in the whole Territory, the young nun are too busy for fun. Some are working rail roads some are employed learning learn-ing trades and many others hard at wo k on the farm At the still hour of midnight on the outer skirts of the city lay a half clothed man. lie was almost senseless sense-less and in an utterly degraded state. He was taken to tha nearest neighbor neigh-bor and given a shirt and pair cf old shoes and then went away on his trip. Who he was and where he came from could not be learned. But to the Mountains he would return. County Locals. Call at J. P. Frantzen'i for your Groceries. Tuckett Candy Cc.Haadquarters fr Flit works. Call at John Dorlug Jr. for your summer aupplias, et. The greatest variety of Fire works ia the Territory at the Tuckett Candy Company. t John Dorius, Jr. having been quite nek during the past wek is now on the improve. The Metropolitans of San Pete Co. arc up on their high heeled Boots. Why? Thorura & Peterson are doing a good business for new beginners. 40.000 ftet last week' Mr. John Dorius Jr. our enterprising enter-prising merchant is very ill, we hope J10 will soon recover. Individual Self Government lies Up to the present time not much txcitement is on foot as regards the National issues in Ephraim. What has been done so far however, goes to show that Old Eternal Democracy ' is more closely adhered to than any thing else. That the largest liberty should be every man's heritage con-sistant con-sistant with law and order. Home rule is good and the very thing for the people, against foreign interference interfer-ence and aggression. But let he principals of both parties par-ties be truly advocated and not in the manner of tearing down the one to build up the other. muiviuuai aeir oovernment lies at the root of all true and effective government on earth. Our Base BallUti will arrange a game of ball for the 4th. We hope they will make the best of it. A party of our young bloods are prepareing for an out to Fish Lake between the 4th and 24th of July. Towns and Corporations supplied ,with fire works for the 4th. of July displayed by the Tuckett Candy Co. 'I 1 . : ' Word from the Peoples Farty Central Committee says, from now - , tfy art dead, or dissolution as party. , . Mr. Ricwald Neilson in trying to itray pound a horse Sunday, was kicked and the effects are very bad, tindeed. D. & R. G. Western will soon be a Standard guage from Ogden to Salina. T)jy will then run two dail y Trains. J Phizl Bangl! Boom!!! Democrats Buy ycur Fire works at the Tucket Candy Co. Ephraim has been snubbed about their Depot. But when it is finished finish-ed nothing will compare with it from Thistle to Saliaa. H. C. Hutchinsen of Ogden is in Town for a few days to get the Saw Mill of Madson's Bros, and Co. in good running order. , We notice in our Territorial pa-peri pa-peri that the Old Folks are enjoying thenselves hugely. Why don?t Ephraim do something in the same wav i j . . In the Choir practice Saturday Evening Miss. Lillie Greaves rendered render-ed a Soprano Solo which was fine nd greatly appreciated by all the Choir. The Celebration of the 4th. will be grand at Salina, it being the advent of the Railroad Officials will be there to participate Jn all the doings. -ii?UL a Sch001 Teachers mil attend the Summer School at Prove, Peter Greaves, Jr. left Sun day mornjng in connection with Miss carrie Peterson, Jennie Tho mp-on mp-on arid others. LOST. A parcel containing (W0 childrens poats between Morani and Ephraim the finder will please leave it at this office or at J. p. Olson, Erh-raim, Erh-raim, Oluf Olson. 1 From this day Vfi sell meat from S to 8 cts per pound, steak and roast free from bones in one, two or three pound, will be 9 to 10 cts. per pound C. Jenson, Main St. Ephraim. It has been rumored by certain resposible parties that a grand strike Has been made close by our city of good .ecimen, of Silver and Lead . ere. W hope It will be further de-ft de-ft loped . , r..' , , . .. f ,. ' " i , ' |