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Show NOTICE ol intention to mnkt arplication for a Permit to cut timber upon the public minerl Lands under act of March the 3 1B91. T.i Whom it may concern, notice is hetrrny given that immediatiy after the publication heteof for tbiee weeks as ie-quiied ie-quiied by tai. I act. the. uudetsigned will make aiiplic tiou to the Hon. Sectatory of tne interior at Washington D C for a permit to cut and teniove pine & fn limber from a ttact of the public mineial lands f tne United Stales situated about Eight milts East cf Fait-viet' Fait-viet' Sanpete Coium Utah lerritotyand beiuf in Tp,i4 S.6E of S.L.merrdiau.des cnbtd as follows to wit. liegining at arock monument too yards E from a certain Saw mill owned by Said applicant and locaied in the N. fork of Bjti'ter canyon thence 40 rods S. thence 80 mdiW. thtnet 40 rods N thetict v rocUEtto place of Defining containing con-taining about 20 acres more or UV S'.VEN Ol it Neilson. P. 0. Adress Fnirview Sanpete Co, Utaa Ftisi Put 1'cation June 6 1891. |