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Show Five cents narcd on fotp; five dollar loot on rot'e 1 clothr. 1 ttit economy! There U Lot 5 rent difference Ix-tween the cost of a bar of the poorest map made and the best, vhlck Is ai ail know, Dobbins' Electric When a womnn wanti to drive anything out of the bouse She "shoos' It. A fool can fall iu love, but it take a wise man to c n oil it. yrup of Produced from the laxative and nutritious nutri-tious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kidneys, kid-neys, liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the sytetn, dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. "August Flower" There is a gentle-Oyspepsla. gentle-Oyspepsla. man at Malden-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pareis, who lias written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his mind concerning some things, and this is what he says: " I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. It is constantly con-stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, . and Constipation we Indigestion, have ever used or known. My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. The August Flower, however, relieves re-lieves the difficulty. My wife frequently fre-quently says to me when I am going ASK TOUR DEALER FOB A TRIAL PATH O Boots wM I t J&f (CJ And All 91 m MEN, WOEN. & CHILDRa HOW TO EARN $200 MONTHLT Write for particulars' to -4h St ab Tontink Association, pays" to its members mem-bers (100 in 3 months. 2000 member in Philadelphia first mont4L Our pay to Secretaries la extremely liberal. , writ ST A It TONTINE ASMOCIATTOS, 1321 WiLHITT 81UXT. PMItiDFLPHIi. PA. Talk's, cheap, but when it's backed up by a pledge of the Jiard cash of a financially responsible re-sponsible firm, or company, of world-wide reputation for fair and honorable dealing, it means business I Now, there are scores of sarsaparillas and other blood-purifiers, blood-purifiers, all cracked up to be the best, purest, most peculiar and wonderful, but bear in mind (for your own sake), there's only one guaranteed blood-purifier anr1. remedy for torpid liver and all diseases that come from bad blood. to town, 'We are out Constipation of August Flower, and I think you had better get another bottle. I am also troubled with Indigestion, and whenever when-ever I am, I take one or two tea-spoonfuls tea-spoonfuls before eating, for a day or two, and all trouble is removed." - - - - mmm mm A weekly journal of a lts)a I I M ITY llglon that I. Rational, Villi I I Rationalism U" 1111 Religious, f""""" belter In Religion, Irat question miraalat, "'rlM4!5 punishment, and Yfrarlous atonement. LSITI staaat) lor Freedom. Fellowship, and Crioractef In Religion, im lur tnnmuui (HiuwikN) "t cornea all who wtchlo work to(reth?r for tho adrance roentorTruth.KlirhtaniU.ore In the world. colnmask Incluillnir a sermon eri'ry week. SI.' a jreari but e a new subscriber, mentioning th1 ilrtlaeir.et, at will be nent ft whole yerir for &! eent. A'Mress) tin nun u. ahhk a to., rub., m awaar t.,tim Ilolman'a Uvcr Pads. Holman'l l.lfer 1'ads cure Malaria. Ilolman'a Liver 1'ads cura rliLluvsst'M, Holraiui's Liver 1'ills rare Imhokstiom. Fsniphiet free with full tnatrurtions and commend tioaa. lioLaUM Livita 1'ab Co., 1 Julia etrvtit, ft. Y. A man l frequently known by the company com-pany be keeps out of. Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Palms, DiacaYnas, Ac., cheap. Sweet Potato, Cabbage Cab-bage aud Tomato planU in season. Send for descriptive catalogue. W.J. Hassan, Flattsmoutb, Neb. When painters strike tbey dou't brush up mutters a bit. Secure a Htislne Education at Homo, A full Hiulneaa t'oureu given by nutll. Pert net rnit-iBfacUun, rnit-iBfacUun, low rnte. UryuiilaCollesO, butlalu.N.Y, I hat cue standing solitary and alone sold on trial, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Med-ical Discovery. If it don't do good in skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases and pulmonary consumption is only lung-scrofula just let its makers know and get your money back. Talk's cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common one, by selling it on trial, as "Golden Medical Discovery" is sold, would bankrupt the largest fortune. Talk's cheap, but only " Discovery Dis-covery " is guaranteed. SMHEADACHE) PADTTDO utile pui. fl LlA 1 1 I L l (3 T1"T alia relief Dis If ' ' trim from Dvapapaia.In 9 rj mmmt mm rtlReaUonandTooHaartj 9 5 I'll ILL Eating. A perfect rem-flj I i I I C tl mly CrDltziuu,Nanaeaf II I V E. K Drowalaen, Bad TaawjJ I I nil 1 a ' U Mouth. OoatfKifl I I rlLLo. Tongiia.Pain to th HideJafl f 1 r5 TOKHD IITM, Tbel - ai7ft.-3 reKulate the Bowel a I n aniiiii,-1 PuralT Vep.talile. ' frlee 2S Cent- V ' CAKEIl UTTICHJS CO., 1ST YSilL I CONSUMPTION. I havsapcw.tiva mnmij for thsboTdiSMM; OF nra thnuwinda of cumi of tha worst kind and of lonf itaodmjt bATBbenn curd, ImWd to turonf is mj faitlk In iLiefTicacr, that I vili nl two bottles miCE.witte ft VAIXAIU.K TREATISE oo tbw diw--..iariyu-ferer who will end me their Express ftnd P.O. irfdrMaV T. A. fcilocum, AI. t 181 IVtui HU W. Y SaloonTnd billiard men. For Hnluim Future, billiard an'l Pool Tat'lea, ftllltartl RttpMllftt anil liar i:iu-s .end to, TlliJ iKIKN :ITV ltll.MAKD 1 A ULet CO , A13 111 Hu. Uitli atrial, uinl.a, !. Till liniiruiipiici1. cixumiij i'ieni:tiir IIil'.tjt, NeiToue llebllity. l.ut Manhood, Ae., biAMtirf ti itni iu aln efy known renic.lv, ha dUcoveiftl aslmple nieft:ia of aelf-cure. aelf-cure. whu-h lie will .lenil ln-iileil) KI:KK tu hiaT I'tiw-eur-lerei-e. Add mat J. II. liKKVhS. Kml. Itua N. V.' itU FITS.-AII Fltustopped free br Ir Kline Ore Nerve Heaturer. NuKltaftvr ttratilii)' l'e Mmr-relloua Mmr-relloua cures Treatl nnd R 00 trial bottle tree U Fltciue. bead to Or Kllue.Hol ArctiSl, l'Blla.,1. a prMTt tnaJcalfJO 91 SlT . IwoiH, on mtctonrla, II ULII I Helta. Urualiea.t:nrleni& ttiedicinea. Kaar "plealltt Write non. Dr. Brldginaa, JJJ B'waj. M.I. OARFTKI.D TEA earn Conallpatloe ana) Sick lleailat lte; roatorra the Ciiuileiioa a e lioctur1 Bill. SiolJ by lruKlt. A church with a poor foaiidntlon never gains' anything by having a very tall steeple. In lS.'iO' Bronn'a Bionchial Troches" were Introduced, and their success at a cure for CoMb, C'otiptis, Asthma, and Bronthitle bas been uuuamlleled. People borrow trouble because It is easy to get, aud need not be paid back. "Ilanaen'a Mnele Corn fnle." Warrftniiil tu cum, nr itKiney ritfuudwd. Aak jour druiuMit tor It. l'rlc li ceut. The flslier for compliment generally btits with flattery. The royal chief does things to the queen' tiste. " Changing Defeat to Victory. The eenltia of Sheridan at Winchester rlmnfted defuat to victory, bo when feeble adrersarie Id the shape of Inefficient remedies reme-dies fall to stay the prugres of that obstinate obsti-nate and mnlia-nuntfoe. nuilHria, Hostetter s Bt.omnch Bitters turn the uue-drives the enemy back. Nothing in materia inedioa, or out of It. compareB with this as an opponent oppo-nent of every form of malarial disease. Chllla and fever, dumb ague, bilious remittent re-mittent and airue cake-It matters not one and all are extirpated by the Bitter. To take a courae of the great preparative In advance ad-vance of the malarial season Is to buoltle on, as It were, an armor of proof which oefle attaok. Bo fortified, ao protected, you hall be catheleaa. Keniember too, that the Bitters Bit-ters is an eradlcalor of liver oomplalot, constipation, con-stipation, rheumatism, kidney coiuDlaints tnddvpe;lii. Dr. BAILEY, k Full Set of Teeth for $5 00. Teeth extracted without pain or danger by a Bw procesa. Hold and alloy Oiling at lowasl tttes. Offleet Faxton Block. Omaha, Neb. ''.TClThorapson's Eye Water. AVliy are you ickl Because you have neglected nature' laws. the continually trie to correct the trouble but cannot do ft without assistance. Prickly Ash Bitter Is the assistant needed, and with the help of tlii medicine vour health will be fully restored. re-stored. Give it a trial and watch the results. IUBIFV YOUR f BLOOD. Bui do not use the dangerous alkaline ind mercurial preparations which destroy four nervous system and ruin the digestive power of the stomach . The vegetable kingdom king-dom gives us the best and salest remedial agents. Dr. Sherman devoted the greater - part ot his lite to the discovery of this reliable relia-ble and safe remedy, and all Its Ingredients ire vegetable. He gave it the name of Prickly Ash Biiters ! a name everyone can remember, and to the present day nothing has been discovered that i is so beneficial for the BLOOD, lor the - LIVER, for the KIDNEYS and for the STOMACH. This remedy Is now to well '" and favorably known by all who have used It that arguments as to its merits are use less, and if others who require a correct . Ive to the system would but give it a trial Ihe health of ths country would be vastly Improved. Remember the name PRICKLY ISH BITTERS. Ask your druggist for it. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO., ST. LOUIS. MO. aaa-aBaaeaaeaaiaawaaweaBaeaB a EZX Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. I'll K-al Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agrecablo to tho fyj EXl taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. WZU Don't call a spade a tpade when It It t shovel. Mre.Wlalew'a$eothlnf Syrup, for Children Chil-dren teetuluif, loftens the gums, reducea Inflammation, Inflamma-tion, allays patn, core wind colic. 36c. a bottle. The price ot grocery land naturally alls with the price of sugar. There 1 very little security In a lichtulng bolt. De Iter o u I" of lh e worl d .Hi an o u t" of-th z fashion It is horhouse-clei caJe oscouring so&pTry ib mL Cleanliness is always fashionable and the use of or the neglect to use SAPOLIO marks a wide difference In the social scale. The best classes are always the most scrupulous in matters of cleanliness and the best classes use SAPOLIO. TRADE yy MARKI HEMedyAII. Crura Pbomptlt and Permanently RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Headache, Toothache, NEURALGIA, Sore Throat, Swelling, Frot-bltea SCIATICA, Sprain. Brntaa, Unrna, Scald. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore. Ml ICyrirDEmimiRE BUfflL0, K.Y. 4 Deafneae Can't be Cured bj local application, a tbey ctnnot reach the dlieat-ed portion of the ear. There I only one way to cure deafness, and tbat 1 hy constitutional remedies. Deafnes 1 caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous mu-cous lining of tbe Eustachian Tube. Wben this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, lieafness is tbe result and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, condi-tion, beariDg will be destroved forever; nine casrs out of ten are caused fay catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tbe mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Ikllars for any rate of Deadness (caused bv catarrh) that we cannot cure by taking 'Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., 1 rop., Toledo. O. told by druggists, 75 cent. THIS IS PaONHTMJfJ. ItandaI: 1 Scales rar.aaif?nl ' i&Biar I ICT intt Duurxnracj.avaajr nint, t.ii Dp. C. Wests NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. ipeclflc for Hysteria. DizainM. Fits, Neuralgia. Wakefulness, Wake-fulness, Mental Depression Softening of the Brain, resulting re-sulting la insanity and leading to misery, decay and Oefith. Premature Old Age. Barrenness, Loss of Power Ln either sex, Inroluntary Losses, and Spermatorrnosa caused by overexertion ot th brain, self-abus or ever-indtilgenea. Each box contalnsone month's treatment. treat-ment. 1 a box, or six for &, sent by mail prepaid. With est-b order for six boxes, will send purchaser guarantee to refund money ir tbe treatment fails le cure. Guarantees Issued and genuine sold only by ..oon.MAiv nut o t o., 1110 Famam Street, O MA 11 A, KEB. CARPETS, FURNITURE, DRAPERIES. Largestinthe West CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO , Wholesale and retail dealers and manufacturers, man-ufacturers, 1206. 1208, 1210 Farnan. street. Psoases raskas S Slloni. Delloloui. sparkling sal ppetUlB. Isld by sh dealers. A beautiful otowra Riyk and eardi eeetn-stts aa; ens seeding address le THE C. K BISKS CO.. resleseicat. ItlMOl Ull Uaahlutclun, D.C. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal Ex&mtner U.S Pension Bureau. 3yra in laat war. 16 adjudicating claims, attyatDCa, VB to 26 lha, per month by harmless aarnal A flremedie. fiostersing.noinoonrealenoa I .MI I id no bad effects. StrlctlrconfidentisL &nrl So. for clp-jilqra and twttimonliila. AH"res Vfr W.FKTDBB.Mo Vicaar'a Theatre Bldg. Chicago. III. When Baby wa tick, we gave her Caatcria, When ahe wa a Child, ihe cried for Cutoria, When ah became Miss, she clung to Caatoria, When ah bad Children, (he gar them Caatoria. The Girl jl w Who Graduates m A page of suggestions valu- f able to you and your daughters. To Girts . ndLffc 1 I About to I A I A short article by yt . I Felicia Holt, in the May number of j I I The Ladies' Home Journal To be followed in June by r IFune Brides and Maids 't F CLMailed to any address from now to January, 1892, balance of this f year, on receipt of only 50 cents. I will give One Thousand Dollars, July ist, to the i person sending the largest number of Trial Subscriptions, at 50 cents each, and Fifteen Hundred Dollars to be divided t Kmong the next 16 largest Club-raisers. A good commission i paid for every subscription secured. Cyrus H. K. Curtis. j Send for terms to Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia (T MAX GEISLER j' 1 417 80. 16th St., K OMAHA. - NEB. Af 1 - DIALS! IN - . 1 1 1 AU fc-fwefi'of -Wfngnir lllnnrf Fancy Hlrrim fJT f TnHrntT Pnrrots.Fnn- 1 1 J cv Gntirimh, Htc. j J Hircl Cngos). Plmhr I 11 p (llnhcm, Airi.irlnn.Kla. Tnxltlermlmit Wttp pile. fUrttm and AnUnnlm Stufftyit This week Specisl Sle ol young and Isme YEL LOW HEADED BARHOTS, wsrtan.ed s tslk. jia.jo each iusleJswol ao. Imported Oernaar Btrd Seed. loc lb., j lor ajc. Mised Parrol Seed its lb., for 15c. Prep. Mockin Bud Kood 35c lb . lor 1 1.00. Birds shipied by cspress safely. . Ir. aLe Iim:'n IViiodUal Are warranted to reltee tardy, irretfolnr anil fclayeeV Bienstruatlona Ksubllhhed In Kimifw in list KiitflatMS. Canada, 1177, United States, us;. We ell tbia-Preiicb tbia-Preiicb pill at 99 a bol or three for a',. We warrant three boxes to giro relief as aboru sla'ettor refaeu the money. These irootls can be mnt per mail oav rerelpt or money. We are an ini'orjut-A!ed stH-s eons psny with the greater wrt of our (npital stot-k of S20-. O0O already laaen. Am. 1MII & Med. Co., rujalty swa-. ptietors. bpencer, la H'bulesale and retail .ot OooeV Biad iJrug Co.,Ouiaba. ,( 0 AfVNIN,TEW aTCoTrarorliore'.s-Ks:unv sisclt', luaclrnery. ft., at C. J. HAKEK'S. 101 West Third Stre-t. , KANSAS CIT V, MO. 6saJ far Ul if is(!,fv V"s7LOmaha,'' The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. |