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Show Germany1 Koyal Family. A correspondent of the Kolnische Zei lung describes the daily life of the German Ger-man empress and the five little priaces at Sassnitz, where they have been staying. stay-ing. Every day schools and other institutions in-stitutions in the neighborhood make trips to Sassnitz to see the empress and her boys, and there are plenty of opportunities op-portunities for doing so, for the empress em-press Is as fond of being on the water as the emperor himself. The empress has already been several times on the beach together with the princes. The four elder boyg wear blue sailor suits aud straw hats with long ribbons. Prince Oscar, the youngest, who is dressed all in white, is carried about by the nurse. The princes climb about among the stones, trying to tiud curious curi-ous stones or othen treasures of -the deep. The empress herself takes part iu search as well as in the other amusements amuse-ments of the princes on the beach. The thoughtful kindness of the empress em-press was shown in a little incident which occurred a few days ago. She had come down to the beach with her four sous the crown prince had remained re-mained at home for lessons and was sitting down under a tine old beech not far from the bathing-place for gentlemen. gentle-men. The policeman would not let the gentlemen pass who were on their ' way to the cabins. When the empress noticed that one of the latter was carrying car-rying a bathing towel, she made inquiries, in-quiries, and was informed that some of the gentlemen were on their way to the bathing place; sho got up at once and sent an apology to the would-be bathers to the effect that "she bad not known it was the hour for bathing.' The princes were also called away, and Prince Eitel marched off whistling a merry tune. The empress keeps to her habit of rising early and the two eldest princes take a hot sea-bath every morning morn-ing at 8 o'clock. In a few days time the empress hopes also to begin sea bathing. The costumes worn by the empress are as simple as possible. As a rule she wears a black woolen dress, a close-fitting jacket and a large straw hat trimmed with black ribbon. |