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Show lfeaVMe - .NOTaVeaTa1 '' " "" ' ol intention to makt application for a permit to cut tiinlnur upon the Puolic Mineral lands, uuder net of Jlarch 3rd. 1891. To whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that mmedmtely afier the publication hereof for three weeks as re quued bv said act, the undersigned will make application to the Hon. Sectelary of the interior at Washington D. C, f r a peimit to cut and lemove p lie & fir imtier from a tract 1 1 the uusurvtyed Mineral lands cf the United Statts, situated ah tit five miles notlh a st of Fauview .Sanpete County Utah Territory and in Tp. 13 S. 5 E. of Salt Lake Meridian. Described as follows to wit. commencing at a certain blidge in Oak Creek Cannon which is located just above what is known as the narrows, about one and one halt miles from the mouth of said cannon up the creek, thence up said Oak Creek about one mile to the point Large 1 unction, thence up said Junction (or light hand fork) about 300 yaids to a rock monunnient, thence north out quaiter cf a mile to rock moutimeni, thence east one quarter of a mile to a third rock monument thence south one hall of a 11 ile to foutth reck monument tiieiire weit along the top of the rise about one and one quaiter of a mile to rock monument, thence north to place of beginning, containing about 300 acics more 01 less. C. O Peterson, Ole Nielson. P. O. adrtsa FairAiew Sanpete Co. Utah. First Publication June 6 1S91. |