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Show . 1 L, I li ' ' tejBuy the Silver Brand Crackers They Are The Best Made at the Utah Cracker Factory, SALT LAKE CITY. H. WALLACE, Uaiucm. RuDture can he Cured without surgical Operation. ivupiUlC Wll UC VUICU RUPTURE SPECIALIST. Cuaranttt givan when Desired, or Clrtulars Write'or Call. BIRCH TRUSS COMPANY, OFFICES: Rooms ac6 h 07 Second Floor, Constitution Block, Main St., Salt I ake City, Utah. TO THE FRONT AGAIN. The ChmPon Eiudc nd Mowers at John Williams Bupt. Mityfield Co-op. Grant Bros, company, General Agents. I nil Ill ! I liaeaele,M.Bia'Ma-'''atl Ctinniiigion l CD, Salt Lake city. ; Dealers in Groses, Hardware, rtnd libers' Supplied Alwayi on Hand of th. Fiist Quality a full lint of Staplt and Ftef CJroceriei, Provisions, Tobacco and Cigars. Cnffp.0I'ICyT C . Craeulated. .-off.e. rPI ' Gunpowd... Iiamartu OlieC leelie. S 11 frarcmahad. blown, ' I ""'". cheke Rle ' O laiiei.ayiup & koeey Young hytoa. Ja, OtirNatv Season Teas nit guaranteed to ivt ptrfect aatisfactioa In tvtry rtspt unnington co Groceries, aalt Lak City ' Pur Sl)icea Drled and Canned Fruits. MTriit VKtatTABLSUI. o(INJ JFJACT)o A full fresh and eomplett assortment of tverything ttsnllri sold ia oat hnt. We buy our goods direct from first hands for cash, and constqut ntly buJ ,l tha Very Lowest Prices. w t make our customers' interests our own, by warrentlng tvtry trtl-cle trtl-cle wt sell, and if it does not provt satisfactory, refund tht money, - . . f;. ' '''' x.n una do sen ilrii VttCttmAti oTtSTLwt mont nd "owT"'-'-" ... Z fidtnt we can convinct tyerybod of that fact who will give ut tri Ounnington co Miarrs' Supplies Salt -Lake Hoppaft! HUFFef! HiiFPaft! Fire Works THE II, A. TUCkETT Cundf Co Salt Lake City Utah have a Whole Car Load f them Wait for our quotations, Spcial attention to town display order. 'Big Discount 011 large orders. Buy IX. A- Tuckett's Candies. Simon Bros. . WHOLESALE Millinery J Furnishings Agents for the Dsserct WocHeii Hill Bait Lako Oity.TJtftb. Standard G'lage, i u, , Pullman Palace I t'SL Sleeping Cars on .1 I fWi , TbroughTmns. " W 1 Q ' ' D. C. DODGE, W j. il 11 e n n Ei ' r,' " i&sW ES TEH LOCAL SERVICE. R A I LWAY 0d, SaU lak. M k M ri-aipm Thit'1 mot p n ! 5fA . llv? ,l;,o " falrview r -KV,.JX 5:j'j " Manti I.r6:io ' Time Tllblo, iu Effect June 14 1181. . Eaat Bound. West Eouna. V t 1 A:. antic Mil Atlantic Kaprtn . Pacic Mail paciic tipre , 8. ,30 a m .'-,45 p m I-v Qgfcn Ar 3.15 am 6,00 pm 9:40 " 9550 ' Ar SatLake I.v 2;io " . 4:43 " 90 " io;o5 " Lv " " Ar i;s5 " 4i3S " ii;4o " n;4o " Lv Provo Lv 120 " 3;i " 5i55 pn 5;45in " Grefn River " 5555 P "i ;4S 9i30 " 9J45 a ni Ar Grand Tunction " " A4 " i;o7tm i;25.ptn' Glenvood Springs " iijiaarti i;aS " 5;55 " 7;20 " " LeadvilU " 63 " 9:00 pm ir35ptn J30 a m " Pueblo " "145 P m 3J " 2J25 " 4jao " ' . Colo Springs " 10, i3 " ' 5f 15 " 7:30 " ' Denver " 7)3 ' 9J00 ?. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Isone which is guaranteed to bring von satisfactoiy results, or in case of failuie a return of puichase prices, tin this Sale pla you can buy from our ad-vei ad-vei wed I.)mgg;ns a bottle 1 f Ir. King's Ne' Ibscovety lor consumption. It is giiarnteed to bring relief in every ease, when used foi any affection ol Throat, Lungs or Chet., sucii as consumption, Imliiiimation ol Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma. Asth-ma. Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc ltispleasa it and agieesble to taste pei fictly safe, and can always be depended de-pended upon. Tual bottles free at H- P, Larsen't Drug Store. |