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Show NOTICE In tiie I'mbate Cenrt ef Sanpete County, Utah Tei ntfsiy. !ii ': t.i:.tter of lli Ctata of Vl jrt.n Lunil J.coat-cd. J.coat-cd. Ord-i oo healing final account and atkiug forde- Cf ee ut (llUtlllUllCll. On leading ami f'lirc the jetilion of Christian I.iaiil the ailmiiii-tj.ttfi of the e.tale of Morten Lund dcra-eil. a!;ir:c, ;, t :-, t nat at count to be allowed ana deeree of (jivti iM.t m y .aid etate among th perion, entitleC ti.ercicj. It in ..ir.lei.-d ll.at all i.crs.in interested in the ei-tatt ei-tatt uf it.e said Morten Vuud deceased he, ana ai-ie.r ai-ie.r b-f..ie the 1'r.hate (emit of the County of aaapete Territory of Ciah at the Couit room of said coaitin Mwitii.ii Monday tin aand. day ef J use leoiatn o'clock a. nt. then and there to allow caaso why an order allowing Bald final account and disinhuliun should not be made of the residue of taid ettltc'tniunihe iteirauf the said deceased accerd-int'ti. accerd-int'ti. law, And it i further ordered that a copy of thia order be p.ibhi.hed once a week for three fcucceMve weeka heote the said aand. 'day of Juue iKyi In the Rai-T-" a nrws)ajier printed aiid ouhliihed in Ephraim City Sanpete County Utah, and three untie es potted according to law. Pftted May 15 1P01 Jacob Jomkmon lVobaialudga Territory of Utah 1 Comity of hunpete (811 I onn ken! Cleric if the I'roliate court within and for Snnpcle county l lah Tenilurv hereby certify that the fort-tnun if ft lall true find correct copy af the "Older on tiemnii; rir.al Account and asking f'r I'ecreeof 1 listi il.nl ion" ill t lie inatttec of til es-tatintMnrK'iiLuiul.tlOicuied es-tatintMnrK'iiLuiul.tlOicuied V iint'tamy band ttttd olh jl tin. 17 day of May ilyi. loHN RllD rrobate (.knave" (.kna-ve" 01 T. keid Any. I |