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Show News Items. Loudon, June 15 The princess of Wales has started a subscription among the wives i f the atmy officers for the nenefit of Mis. Shrimwood in recognition recogni-tion of her heroic conduct duiiiiK the le-cent le-cent troubles in Mampur. Cheyenne, Wyo., June 15 A freight train broke in two near Bushnell. u tl'e Union Pacific last night- A tramp sieals mjj a ride If II between the twe portion-of portion-of the tta n and was cut to pieces, the cars passing ovtr his body in live places. Lawrence, Kan June 25- J. I). Chevalier, Chev-alier, an old resident ol tins city, was killed by an east bound Santa Fe passenger pas-senger train this morning. Heaitetni ed 10 cross the track ahead of the tram which struck him and crushed his skull' He died within an hour. Birmingham, AU., June 15. Allen Young, the man who killed his wife near Scottsborough Saturday has been catighl He '.vent to iiis brotheis house and asked ask-ed tor a pistol His brother secreted him in his barn and notified the sheriff, who arrested him. He had a large knile stained wita blood and b Cued to be hung. lie was sent to Fort Payne jail to id him out ol the way ol a mob. "ATcTiita, Kas, June 20. The mystery iurretiding the murder of Christopher Helm, a wealthy 1 attleman, whose body was found on the Cherokee strip riddled w'th bullets has been dispelled The hurgler fatally shot at Cherokee, Texas as confessed he and a unti iii tiJ Uju ' Scott killed Helm and robbed his b.idy of a large s un of montfv. It i said the authorities have Scott located. San Francisco, Itiue 15. The I.cs An. geles express, due here this morning collided with a gravel train between Port Costa and M trtinez. and William Jordan a brakeman of the gravel train, a. id C II Spurgeon, mail clerk, were killed. Fireman Larue and Farles, Engineer Abbev and Mail Cler':s Partridge and Daggett were badly injured, and a number num-ber of passengers painlul'y hurt The gtavel train crew was at fault. Arkansas City, June 16. Theive broke open several freight cars at Wharton, Whar-ton, I. T., last night, and stole a large amount ol goods. They are believed to belong to a gang who have been making their headquarters near Orlando, stealing steal-ing horses and robbing travelers. Officers Offi-cers are at woik, and will probably raid the rendezvous of the gang. It is believ ed that the men who robbed the express train Wharton recently also belt ng to this gang. Paris, June 18. A professional aeronaut made an ascension Irom Lavillett yesterday, yester-day, being aocompanied bv two townsmen. towns-men. When about sixty feet from the ground the aeronaut, w to have been fixing fix-ing something outside the car, lost his balance and fell to the ground being fatally injured The balloon shot up the other two men, neither of whom had the slightest knowledge of how to handle it, and before long was out of sight. This morning nothing had been heard of them and they weie given up tor I st. but this afternoon thev defended de-fended unharmed at Versailles, nearly famished and badlv fiigh'ened. Leadville, Colo. June 16. Annie Robertson, Rob-ertson, a lady of easy virtue, accompanied accompan-ied by a sporting man named Wilson, visited Evergreen lakes this afternoon, and while returning home the pair became be-came engatreJ in a q iarrel; Wilson sud denly caught his c mipanion bv tiie hair and bit a pe cj of lie h from her right breasf The worn in was taken into another an-other buggy which wan passing, and was brought to the city, whete a physician dressed the wound. Wilson hunied into town and returned Ins horse ami. buggy to thu bain, making his escape Irom the city before fie atiihcrities weie t ot lied of his cowidly deed. |