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Show G. 33. W238T,1 Dentist. Office with Dr. W. II Olitta Ephraim City, Utah" Gold Filling a Spcilty. All work warranted. -CA.LL A.VD QtrfAIJfl.- Agricultural Implements. Imple-ments. GEO. A. LOWE Salt Lake City Utah. Agencies in all tht principal cities of San Pets County. Agent for and dealer in all kinds of first class agricultureal Implements, Shnttler Farm and Freight Wilsons. Buckeye & Crown niowi-rs Buckeye Binders Planet Horse Hoes & Garden Gar-den city clipper plows. Brad-icy Brad-icy tfc Solid comfort Sulky Plows. Bessell chilled Plow J. I. CASE THRESHERS. Martin C. Kroll, Mt. PLEASANT BAKERY ttln la Biead. Cake, Pi.,, Confettioaerv, C. Rtmkmeuts 0 fail kinds in W lt4Umt Mm. ...m, -t, Um.h B. K. Bloch& Co. WHOLESALE UQL't rjIOAR kl Salt Laka City Utak. Agents for Pabst, UiIakM and Bxport beer. A hne assortment of Buggies Bug-gies Ccrriagiss & Carts. Ames Steam Engines Lane Saw Mill LefFell Turinbe wheels. Enterprise House MYRA HOLMES CO. Z Commercial Street, Salt Lake Citj Moit convenient to Electric C.ro. Re uiirai.isU edKrieilSiores.Theatre iiul a, 1 pl.cei of amusements. I ln Hotel mid it c iiiipmanta are en. tnalyinew. It.im 6 well f.irnishtd rooms d ia l.ica;e. lin tha heait ef til eity. Black Oil Balsam. Safe, Speedy & Reliable Remedy for colic & h!ont, coughs and distemper. I leal-inn leal-inn ail wounds wire fence cuts burns and scalds etc. No flies will trouble any sure where it is used Exceils all other simular preparation Sold at all stores tfc Druggist Manufactures tfc Sole Proprietors Propri-etors c V Nur.u Veieruary Pharmacy 71 W 1st Sonle st Salt Lake city Utah KHOLLSAXK tt RXTAIL (Druggists I CCornur Main and and 1. It SALT L1XB CITY, UTAH . THE B -A If II . Of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. fnm'l 4 . '1 Restaurant Meals jr f at all HoursS Mrs. A. Powell. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. In tht Building formerly tha Palace Hotel, Opposite and one door north of Co-op. Store, Lunches for Partits and Saiqaatg a Spteialty. ; vapmiijuujuuiuuy paid lip Heber J. Grant, President. I Win. B. Preston, vice-Pres. Heber M. Wells, Cashier. EIRECTOKS. oseph F. Smith, Clws. S. Burton im Il.Roivt, Nephi VV.CIayton, Ahr'm. H. Cannon Frank Y. Taylor Spencer Clawson, P. T. Faansworth, tints JJorris, Richard W.Younjf . Henry ", Woolley. Its location is at Nj. 60 Main Street. It transacts a General Eanking Business- It pays 5 per cent' Saving; Deposits. It compounds interest quarterly. Ii solicits the business of tha pop!a of Utah. Cabinet Photos $1.50 Per Dor at Nwcomb is Co. 163 Main St, SaltLaktJ city Satisfaction Guaranteed ! FIRST NATIONAL 'BANK OF ." NEPHI, UTAH. ::::St. Elmo Hotels FURNISHED ROOMS. ly the day and or week at raaaon-abla raaaon-abla ratts, Nas. 171 It 479 Mailt Street, 8ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH F. ELMEKD0R7F fc Co. P. Box 967 Proprietor ' 1 I1P1! ' AYIHGS BAHK AND TRUST ' COMPANY Capital lio,ooo Surplus l4,ooo Geo. C.Whitmore,Prs. WV I. Brown, Vice-Pras. Jonas H. Erickaon, James E. Clinton, - Director James E. Farshee, L. S. Hills, Jas. II. Peterson, Alma Hague, Cashier. General Bankinx JJueiueee, Insure 5aid on Svinti Depoeiea. netr r -iu oa mi :! Paid up Capital $50,000 Stirpuhii J(ot GENERAL BANKING In All Its Branches Draws airht drafts on the prlnctaa cities of the United Slates; lelfe dralt on the chief citie of Euioue: dale la excliaine and nera eecuntlef. Collatitlooii Pramptly Abtsaiai Account of merchants, mauufae tureMij mines and Individuals Sulleited. Directors. Go. C. Whitmore, Jonee H. Erlee L.S. I Lilies. James II MrnWer. Jms E. Clintoe. Officera. Geo. C. Whitmore, President, jonei H. Eiiciceon, Vice-riidei Alma Hejue, Caehletla Mrtin Qcliniidt-artin Qcliniidt-artin Schmidt, 1 fet-chant jailor, ' e r c h an t jailor, Progress Buldino, ii tin Street, Salt Lake City, Utah f O Bo 6j '1 F..O. Horn C, JS Mark Unci THE CONKLIN SAMPLING WORKS. n,!lVki oJ?""U. '!po. . Office 0m Hou., old t highest market price. Return. md. .n 5 of .ale. Cciisicnmentstolidted, Adrts. HIE CONKLIN SAMPLING WORKS P.O.B JX94J Salt Lake City ' Lombard Investment COMPANY. Room. overUtab National Bank.ees-ni Bank.ees-ni Fnt Sjuta and Main lla, 01 Salt Lak City : 0- Money to Loan On Improved Farms in the San Pete Valley, f all upon or writa : . ue for particulars. W. H. DALE, 'Manager 0. L E 1 i a 3 0 n , . JUmtn . m.t.m.h. . . . ,iM. 1UP0RTBR 1MD DSAUER 1 WATCHES CLOcKS, JEWELRY silverware. MUSICAL EOXE,S:CPTICALGCOD SITC All sdwrrulH represented. Pycirial ait-eauea ait-eauea given Iwli.o watch repairing. SOLE AGENT FOR j VALLEY HOUSE Opftsiu , Temple and Tabernack Salt Lake City. Next Door to the Hot Spring Mineral Bath House, Rate: t.5 to gj.oa per day. Special Rates to Large Parties. ' Th Electric- Cars pass tht Door, M. JEXSEN'S Pfeottgraph Gallery. V.11 1 Si I1.00 per dee v icsori 1 50 Cabiuet ,. ; - . ,a.oo " ," First Cuss Woa. kva tor Dr. Peter's MedlcinM. kuriko Ole -Old .Mag-Vigori endUteri n do good where the Best medicines an, Doctors fail cure.Main Street.Ephai t ()? Spencer Clawson Co Wholesale Dry Goods Salt Lake City. - - Utah. |