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Show NOTICE of intention to make application fer e permit to cet timsei upon the I'ublic Mineral land, under act of Ma;ch till, ifcjt. '1 u all hm it may com am. Nola e i lieieijy i;ivi-n that immediately aftar the pul'lit atiun hereof toi tluce weckt a requhed by said ai t, the tmctirhic.tied will make application te the 81m. hecrmaryol the Interior at Wai-liington L. C, lot a pctinit to cut and 1 amova pine- it fir Timber front a pact of this uiisiuveyrd Uinenil Land ef the United Stales, situated al ' in aeven milaa nor aea.teity fruio Fairview San r'ateCi.unty Utah, anil more particularly described Aa follows, te witl Commencing at a rock monument on the South Ha tec jfOaKCteek about four milel easterly and abue the point where laid creek croasei the Range liuebetwece 1 p. 13 bi. K. 4 c f E.; thence up said creek about fc.i yhty chtiin. to the junction ef the second sec-ond fork ot said creek above said monument; thence up said Fork about twenty chain, to a lecond rock monument, thence aoulhweeterly about 25.00 chatBl to arjiird niontiment thence wcMerly alcng a line to caamsaouth ot and parallel with laid 9k Creek end lecoud tork, to a tourth monuniei.t; thence north 5.ov chains to the place of beginning containing about .50 actea. Swcn Ole NieUoe Cie-'iRe tucker l'ot oSice Adrcl ' Fnirview Sae t'.ie Co. Utah T. C. liailey Atlorpey lor Applirae . Fit el Publication J uue oth 1891, |