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Show How New York Assemly-man Assemly-man Was Paid His Price New York. Sep'. S The banking and slofk nliit inp: far Witles . e-,j tended lo law inalo is by the broker- i aue llrm of Klllnsw oud and (fuii- nlnhauj. from April, Kmo, to l-Vtj- 1 luurj, l'juy, were brouglit out with i-tartllrig xlvldnec's at today's hearing of the 1 clblative yraft lieariun. Former Assemblymaii Lruls IJedeil. who Jurlnn the period in fiuestlcn. was chairman of the a.ssemblyman s committee on railroads was shown by I the e.eiie to have been apparently I particularly favored The books of1 I'llinw ood and Cunningham showed j that while his ttock fijratlotis during i the five years ronlsted sobdy of the purchase of 3i" shares of New York transportation stock, the money for this stock, with .-opie $2i.n00 additional, addi-tional, bad been advanced by EUluij-wood EUluij-wood and Cunningham. Most of these advances, accord In a; to .the testimony, ha) ben made by II. II. Vreeland, president of the Metropolitan Met-ropolitan Street .Railway company; II A. Robinson, general vollcitor of tho company, and (J. Tracy Rogers, president of the New York Slate Railway station. Between May 'J an I Aucust. li'03. Mr. p.cdell drew out in rash an aggregute of $21.7.r0. placed tc his credit by these individuals and no record could be found lu the memorandum mem-orandum examined today that, he bad at any time relumed anv part of it. I |