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Show NO MIXING OF MAIL CARS Local officials of the Harriwc lines have rebel ved official notk from the post office department .it Washington. D. C. that certain nwlj cars must not be placed between sk' I cars nor between a steel car acJ t-H I locomotive. Where a railroad vi I lute this order, no pay will t-i glv" en the railroad for its service la hauling the car. While It has been the custoa ol the IIurrin-.au railroads and railroad-in railroad-in general not to place a frame coacii be tween steel coaches, it Is likely tbat the order will, cause greater vigilance vigil-ance to be exercised by trainmen t see that the rule Is never violated. Should a wreck occur, a frame & taudwlched between heavy lc" cars would be crushed to a pu'P Railway officials state that it ii " the interest of th-j railroad as e:J as the government that trains shoo! I be made up either exclusively of stes cars or of frame enrj. |