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Show ' string of wins would plaer. him In an enviable position on the ladder of success. .i . ' i 1 "CYCLOHt" THOINl GOING TOAOSTlMIA- ''Cyclone" Johnny Thompson, tbe Ik'ht w. I t pugilist who bus estub-ilnlied estub-ilnlied bl.jisili' In the graces of the fUht funs of I'tah by hU clever and clean performances hero, i on his way to Yunoc'Miver, where In.- will embark em-bark for Australia to till the program of four lights ananged by Promoter Hugh Mcintosh loi I'acUey McKar-land McKar-land and fuur men as yet unnamed. McFarland refused to hold up his end of tho agreement at the last moment, mo-ment, claiming that his mot her would neit eon. ent to hls-rual- lng the trip, and Tlioinpsem was .signed a.s a desirable desir-able substitute by the Australian light manager.; Tliniiiiiii.ii will meet Mcintosh with Billy I'apke and Jimmy Clabby, wb'j aro also mi the Australian card, on Sept. "'J, and will sail imnu'dlaleily. I'nholz and Jedinny Summers aro mentioned as being two of the Cyclone's Cy-clone's oppi.iuents in the antipodes, with a possibility of an engagement In London on the return trip, with Freddie Welah, the popular little IJrltish Fcrapper. Johnny has the best wishes of the followers of Ibe pugilistic game In Ogden Og-den and I'lah. . lila efforts in thin stale auc in the intcrmounUlu country coun-try have won him tho respect and good will of every man that knows his work. Thla round-the-world flght-, flght-, ing trip la his opportunity, and a |