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Show MURRAY AND OCCIDENTALS TO FLAY SERIES CF GAMES The first of the post season five-game five-game series between Murray and the OciLlentals will.be plaved Saturday at iaiiJy. The game was originally billed forMurray , but the Sandy fans put in a good bid and got the game. Sandy has a better' ball park than Murray, and some ball fans as well. The second tame will lie played at Walker's field Sunday. There ls much interest seen in the series, with the backers of loth teams lining up to back their opinions. Manager Margeits has lined up a strong pitching staff in Hummell, Heu.sser, Prlve and McCroery. With Langford laid up with a split hand, Manager Black Is a little handicapped. He will pitch Indian Smith Saturday nnd Mooncy Sunday. The next week will si e Iangford again in pitching form. |