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Show DM0 STOLEN Salt Lake City, Sept. 8 That E. L. Merrill, a wealthy paper manufacturer of San Francisco, was robbed of a $500 diamond stud aa he lay suffering on a San Francisco train, is the belief of Mrs. Merrill, who arrived In Salt Iake yesterday and will take the body of her husband back to the coast today. Mr. Merrill left San Francisco for Chicago, but he was stricken with uremic poisoning as he wa crossing the Nevada desert. Word was "telegraphed "tele-graphed ahead to Salt Lake and Mr. Merrill was taken from the train hero In a dying condition and rushed to tho Holy Cross hospital, where he died Monday afternoon. ! Mr. Merrill carried life insurance amounting to $42,0"O, and upon his person were found drafts worth about $5,000 and $100 In gold. Ho was a Mason and a member of several other orders, and was known prominently in San Francisco. Upon the arrival of Mrs. Merrill in Salt Lake yesterday, an Investigation wa-s started to find the diamond. It was learned that Mr. Merrill did not even have a tie when taken from the train to the Holy Cross hospital. It Is the belief of Mrs. Merrill that her husband was robbed of the diamond dia-mond pin as he lay in the Pullman, ami the Invcstlgat ion'xlready started will be continued In an effort to locate the missing diamond. |