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Show ijAHljilLLoj i MM Holds the Attention o? the Germans on a Tour New York, Sept. S. Gary, and., is the greatest steel city In the world, according to Professor Christian Eck-ert, Eck-ert, director of the University of Cologne Co-logne Professor Eekert is familiar with all the great steel plants in Germany, Ger-many, but says that Gary ' Is far and away ahead of everything." He has just returned from the Pacific Pa-cific coast with twenty-eight students, whom he brought over early In August Au-gust Many of them are sons of Germany's Ger-many's captains of Industry and are being trained In commercial lines at the unncrsily. "The two greatest things 1 saw in America." said Mr. Eckrrt on his arrival ar-rival from the west," were the Colorado Colo-rado canyon and San Francisco. When I think that an entire city can be made In four years for that is what has been done In San Krancisco-H makes me marvel." The students will tail for Europe on Saturdav. |