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Show GAME PRESERVE FOR WATER FOWL State Officials Expected to Back Movement Stalled by Sportsmen That Ctah will hae a nesting and; resting place for water fowl thai will 1 "UlJ;n s it h ill), in ;t n p;ir' of he world is the opinion of Ctah frports-1 men who appeared before Governor I Charles Bfabej last Saturday and sub i mltted their plans. At a meeting! staged by the committee laM Friday resolutions were drawn up and pre sented to the state executive Satur day. The plan hns the co operation of the officials of the I'nited States bio logical survey, two of these men bt-lng In Ctah to assist in the work at this, time. There is a largo area, encompassing' 200 square miles in Box Elder county. 1 in the Hear river valley, which Is fit 1 for nothing else but are serve for water fowl but which' Is an Ideal placo for! BUCfa a game reserve, according to A. T. Hcstmark. The official of the gov ' eminent are of the opinion that there will be no trouble to get (he feder;i)' government to set aside lands adja cent to those set aside by the state, I Providing the slate t.ik r v t h.. mil isA the. Tho members of the committee are R. H Siddoway, state fish and game-l game-l ommisioner; H, S. Stone and Ueorge E Holman of the I'nited States biolog al survey; J. E. Bowman, chairman. R. K. Hardy, secretary; Daid Jenson. state senator from Weber county; A. ' R. Mclntyre. representative from We 1 ber county; James Knudsen of Box Elder county; I. If Flsber. Perr"' Burnham. Harold I' labian. D R Mad-en. AJ Hcstmark and L. W. Bur-gess. Bur-gess. The resolutions presented to (he governor aro as follows: "Your committee to discuss ways, and means to provide for the preserra tlon and creation of game preserve?' begs leave to report to you as follows: I "That, after a very full and free fill cusslon of the phases of the question which discussion was Joined In by rep resenfatires of the biological surv. v Of th department of agriculture of the Cnlted States, it was unanimously! agreed that the legislature. "First, pass such necessary leglsla tlon 1 ai will set aside as a permanent public hunting ground, and as a nest-1 ing. breeding and resting place for! waterfowl, such lands as may be found suitable for said purpose situate m Box Elder county and bordering or ad Jaceni to Bear rher and bordering o. adjacent to Great Salt lake. Thai said lands, when so designated and set !' bt; ad""ai-"t"ed nd controlled b the fish and game depanment of , the state of I tab r.-cund that the legislature niemo - e congress requesting the federal ' government to tak similar su-p, with relations to all public land. In tte y |