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Show TURK REBELS DECIDE TO ENTER LONDON MEETING j CONSTANTINOPLE. Keb. 6. Indication Indi-cation that Mustpha Kernel Pasha and other Turkish Nationalist leaders hid reconsidered their refusal not to participate par-ticipate In the Near East conference In London was given In a dispatch received re-ceived here today from Angora. It i was said the Turkish Nationalist delegates dele-gates would have Angora on Monday I for Ixmdon. traveling h way of Adalia a. nri l!i mldi:-l. ATHENS. Fob. (By The As-leociated As-leociated Press.) Delegates sent to the Near Eaat conference In London 1 laic this month will bo headed by M. Kalogeropoulos, the new premier, It Was eald here late today M. Gou-narls. Gou-narls. minister of war, will not go to i London, it has beeen decided, in view 'of Rrltlsh opposition. OO |