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Show 'DEGllNE NOTED" IN LIVESTOCK Crop Bureau Reports Falling Off of Ton Million Head in Year . WASjnNGTQN, Feb Nearly ton million less l ead .f livestock were on farms In the United Stales .;i JsAuaryl . I, n;t. Hi m a year prece ':i g, . . oi 'iim, lo ci tlmates b iscd ipon i o-,.-.n- ,.r ind i orrespi ndi nl I ( the butcau of roj. oKtlrnatOK. United I IStatOM department of agriculture, j Horses decreased about 602.000 head. , or 2-9 per cent: mule, decreased Iu;a!l. 12,000, Or v per cnt: milk oowm .deereasi-d SU8.000, ir I.S per . tiNf other cattle dccAaaeil I.RSO.OOO, or 4.2 per cent, swine decreased r.-J oTS,O0t. ot T.l per cent, and Bhsepj ; decreased 2.047.000. or I I pef 0 nt. The total numbers on farms and ranges January- t are estimated as f.,ll.tn-o tl...:.. .. o.l I wo AAA. .,lu ' I.SSSwt mllV cows 23.321,000; other i tie. 1 2.S7O.OO0 . w ine, !6?i9.000 ia.id sheep. 46.06 000. j Th results ,,i tho lUJtt ci ii tut uf I livestock have been Issued far a fen states oni : the two sets of fbtur. h i census and crop estimates) are not made fr.,ri lb" sam I -a !:-. and therefore there-fore are n... com pars In that the bureau of crop estimates figures ar then suit of app.'.v ii.k ., Lrl estimated I changes, to the census figures of laio. j vv tiich were taken on April 15, Instead 01 in Januarj' 1', a was done In 11X0. j No attempt has been mad. t.. i ,! IJust the bureau's 1920 figured to tho new census hauls Ip the f w states for which census figures have been pub-llshed, pub-llshed, Readjustments will be deterred de-terred until the census will be complete com-plete for all states. The total value of livestock ha? do. jellned 11,871,57 '. dun. or 86.7 per tent, .during the year: that Is, from a total " v ".'; I I.".. ,. .1 nuarv I. I 920. i :7r.r.!..iuii i. Januai v I 1 921 Mi.- decline Is .luc partly to the reduction re-duction In numbers, but more to the lower value per bead. Horses, with a value or $82. 4Z per head. ,,s coriip.uod Willi X !i I . IJ a yar BgfO, are lower than they have been since I90t;. The total value ot horses IS estimated at $1,064.1657000, Which Is 298.337.00t'. or 1 j.o per cent, less than a year ai Mules have declined In price relatively rela-tively nioro than have horses, due. prooably, to the depression in tho (. it-ton it-ton states, vvh. ro mules are largel) used The January i price. ll5.72, s I he .ive-'t vain,- si 19 H".. wh'ie.s the value a year ago, si 47 07. was the bighest on record. The .total value of mules is $578,473,000, a reduction oi $162.987, or 28 per rent as compared With a year BjfO. Milk tows ha've declined :'4.s per ceht In value per Head, froni ;s:..li to 97. and In total value have de- . lined $.", is, .88,000, or 25-8 per cent trom $2,010.1 '.'8.00U to $1,491,900,000 Other cattle have declined 27.3 per Cent In value p.-r head, from $43. 2J to W 1.4)1, and in total t llUC had dr - lined V".S7.. -,.11.1.11... ;-ii.. ... ,.,., ' '"" ' ' 1 v '.'too ti. $1.3 Pi.if,r, All cattle have thus declined $3,105.-HS.ooo. $3,105.-HS.ooo. or I's per cent, from $3,'J4fl -318,000 lo ? l,934,jU5,000. Bwlne have declined in value per head 11.7 per ctnt, from 19.ii id $12. 99; and In tatal value have de- llTied $497. .I Mt.lMM., ,.r ,.,. from $l3G3.2til,000 tA $805688,000 Bhcep have decli'iod In value per head 8t.l per ..nt. from siu.5- to $ti.51. and ir, t..t., v..Ue ha.. .;-clin. .;-clin. d Jo.:.1jv,.MJa ,,r n s ,,or , , , from 8495,609,000 to 1588,788 000 |