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Show SENATE TO GET DOWN TO II Morning Sessions May Be Started to Rush Action on Biils Presented mke. rb 7 - with 1 ho gt legislation! ' " " a" iU,,u,: 1 Thl' fi.h wcek P('nod up with one bill on the senate third rdlAi cal-Midar cal-Midar and twnty.two hills and one resolution on the second readme cal-endar. cal-endar. f' About six bills are ilue in thr !eei. .atnre as .he result of the Saturday's "t'E'.j l"' Bft?,on aJ thbse planned for thiK inoriiinj!:. Motr-oxer. the approach of thP fortl-'lh fortl-'lh leRislatlve -lay. which ! the lasl day that the Senate member set r theiuaeivofl for the Introduction .. bins v. iihoui unantmoua consent win probably mean haatbnlag hi tije jjrosentation of now bills .So that, even If hc iiii on the senate sen-ate calendar were onlv of secondary1' Importance, ii mlgHt ).. s:,i( that iba't arm of the legislature has a buai i -r ahead of it: but, on the contrary, some of these measures are among the most important to be presented at the pres. ent 8is.;on of the legislature In i u : if thr senate were to clear its present calendar the present week and were' Id to that work only the bringing! from the public affairs committee and i passage of the department of reglStra- i tlon measures. -it might be said that the seriousness of the "final Crash"'! in legislative matters, now not so very' far distant, .would be measurably aul leviated. 1 HIOIt i M BILLS IjOOM I P. The bill on the third reading calendar calen-dar is the Peters measure providing for-n stale department of finance and purchase, which, following the dl- vision of fourteen to four Friday, wd probably not cause ;lhy further acrlottf debate, but will be sent to the house without much formality. This is th procedure UhleSS in tile meantime some J its friends ili.semer some , rlous defect, or some of its fo-s come to the conclusion that the bill has a particularly vulnerable point oh which a'.taci; has not ret been tried. With tins bill out of the way, the I senate rinds itself with seven bills I more or less formal in nature, am supplementary to the bill establishing the finance dcparrnictt The r-"d. will probably be passed Jo third read- ! ins at a single sitting, and may even besent to the house, under- suspen-s suspen-s ot) ni 1 he riilt s. lint with this sroup out of Lite way , the KeiiHt" Is confronted with the problem of a reapportionment bill; over which a keen, if not prolonged ripht In forecast, l pliowing this umcs nothev adintplstratfon measure, ro-pqscd ro-pqscd by Senator Harrison B. Jonin to reduce th-.- memberahip of the si Lti board of lanet bommisSioners frm rive to one. It is understood thut th, -.-n-ators aro 'by no means a unit on the ; question of the wisdom of this mea- I sure. Shortly after this the senators will mi.-.-t uj with the Seegmillei bill prq- Iding syite support for schools to the total Of z: .1 head. This will involve in-volve Clio first really serious debate on the stale's financial outlook and I the possibility of tax reduction. By j way of variety this will he followed by a debate on the Drh bill to pro- ; lido a headless ballot for Judicial offices of-fices .mil that Of state superintendent I of public Instruction, With such a program ahead of it. it I Is not improbable that the senate will In-Kin reul. .r morning s,-sslotis h, 101 , j the close of the present. week. MM BILLS PASS l A study of the record made by the senate so far shows that the upper . iious" has pacaed and senl over 10 I he j lower house but nine of the seventy bills introduced in the senate, and iii addition has also smt over to the house four lvsolu lions out of eight ln- ' troduced. j Compared with this total, the sen-alo sen-alo has received, already passed by j the house, some twenty -seven house bills and six resolutions. The house has Introduced about 106 bills apd ' iijlil r lci resolutions. In the other hand, the senate ha 1 gIVen attention 'o and returned to the 'house ten house bills and five house resolutions whereas the uouse has I onsldered and returned to the senate 'only three senate bills and four - n-: n-: ate resolutions. In the foregoing, mc- morlals are classed as resolutions. The house, therefore, has conslder- I ...1 .. In,. I t ,1,;..,.. I. III.. ll I 1.. . 1 . mi ten resoHitlons of the kind that have to come before the two houses: while the senate has 4aken corre-Kpondlng corre-Kpondlng action on twenly-four bills and nine resolutions. Of the senate bills in 1 rod need, six are in the revision and printing com-I com-I mlttee, having been Introduced Fri- day. These include the first Income ! tax measure to be Introduced in the j present legislature. There arc thirty-one thirty-one senate bills and one senate resolution reso-lution In. what may be termed the .deliberative standing committees of I the senate ; seventeen senate bills and on,- bi nate resolution are on the c- oild reading calendar, and one senate : bill is on the .third reading calendar. 1 This loaves fifteen bills and six reso-: reso-: lotions Which have bee,, either passed j or killed by the senate, and of these, , si bills and one resolution have been Killed, the bills being withdrawn. while the resolution was formally and effectually slaughtered. One senate resolution is with the enrolling and engrossing committee; two bills and three resolutions ha'.e been signed by I the governor, while the senate has not yet been notified that the governor ! has signed the Dern bill, providing j for payments for state lands on the I twenty-year Installment plan. l.l GI6L.VI ion COXSI61 I AT. Twelve house bills and on- house resolution ire In senate committee, and five house bills are on the calendar, calen-dar, of the twenty house measures I'oturncd by the senate to the house. ii bills and four resolutions bSVi been signed' by the president and arc probably now In the governor's office. lor. with his signature, repose in the ' archives of the secretary of stale. One I resolution, and three bills are in tin : house QOhxmittce on enrolling and en-j en-j grossing, and of these, two were delayed de-layed somewhat by the house demand for a conference, the house finally d-elding d-elding in j rf.pt the senate amendments, amend-ments, ty which it had ol rirst i murred as being entirely too technical. techni-cal. I While iii point of the number of billH passed the house can make better showing; than the en.J ate, Ihe faC remains tlisl the seriati I rnessurei so Car considered have bc 1 I important ones: and, in faot. most of the heat y debates hi the house, oul i side ,,r that on the Seegmiller bill I with regard to supporl of schools. i have hot n over st nati bills already hi 1 (h, house. At ah) 'ale, It Is an nn- doubted t.x t thai the present senati has been working continuously and steadily almost sinc e I h "peniug da of the session ami has been attempting attempt-ing to legislate In a careful and ,"ii sis ten! manner. |