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Show IMONDELLHIS -MOVE TO DISARM U. S. Should take Lead in .Plan to Get Into' national Agreement WASHINGTON'. Fob. An Inter-onnl Inter-onnl ngn i rh nl for limitation of aril:. im, nt in ;HoluteIy essential to the .. v olda uf h i nk ruptev hv imo-: imo-: of the more ir.iportr.nt nation:; of the world with Its acendatn mcusurelcsa J coi)fulon and ditrH.i. Copre. ni:i ti c Mondi ii .,f w yoming. Republican house leader, declared today, before th abuse nai ii i ommltti -. If : n agree men Is not reached In the near future, Mr. Mondell said, the : x;'l be tha't of AmCrh ' i i fortnerdays, the fault was thai of Ch r-manr r-manr Ml 8T U M W "If is our dutv to lo:il the w.iv," he added, " because strangely enough v ' the on - .eiii nation tlni ulne, ' '"' world nrai has offlblally taken a I position favorable to tho Incrcasi rait ra-it her than the decrease of armameuts and warllki expenditures and the on , nation In which. I fear, there Is a real- If dangerous sentiment in favor of in-, in-, crease rather than decreaae of mill- Wry establishments; n Hantrmerit lim-, lim-, weo. it t.s true, to :hr numbrr of peor ' "'- avowjnif it, but a sOnUment l nevertheless deeply planted, slirewdlj cuiculaung und 'ery persistant." IMI.I 18SAILED Mv. Mondell attacked the executive departments of the government for "v " "f lnciea, , naval ;,nd I "" " ioxea and HMsalled particularly particu-larly Secretary luniels proposal for a navy second to none. have not followed Secretary Daniels ambitious program." hL- said, ' We shii 11 not follow it." ; Representative Mondell ,-ald that although Japan had outlined a pretentions pre-tentions naval program it remain, as I U mer !" a tnoouncenieni and that tnslund has i fused to follow gulf STATKMEVT CU ,l U m.j d .-... I. disarmament was not possible. pos-sible. )... ,m),. and 4,e regarded th,,,.. advot atlns it with suspicion Ri presintatlve Britten, R, publican; "Unols. challenged Mr, Mondell'S statement that the best .lVa judgment judg-ment of the world had declared -the Ireadnaught to be obsolete and pro- h w Ina,,ln'sl . r- M.on assertion bar in the world war. the British fleet hovered cownrdlv" ,,i If. k.... , . 1 or fear of airplanes and Submarines Representative Towner, Roffubllcan Ir.Wa. declared . ,,,, , , ' ' ,, ly naval holiday" and asserted t h it iTO. ';iorts notwithstanding, Great Britain's naval bdKot for this year was nearlyToOO.OUO.OOu |